Don't Look Back

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El's POV:

I came back to the table with the two cups of punch. I handed one of the cups to Lucas and he thanked me. I sat back down and continued chatting with the group. Well, I tried to chat with them. To be honest, I was only sitting there, trying to listen, but I just couldn't. My mind drifted elsewhere.

"I'm going to get some fresh air," I told them as stood up and made my way outside.

As I walked through the gym doors into the cool night air, I felt a sense of relief. It was nice, being alone. I felt like I needed some time to myself. 

I leaned against the wall next to the door and took a deep breath in and out.

I stood there, admiring the night sky until something else caught my attention. I watched as the same girl that was serving punch walked outside too. She didn't see me though, because I was standing in the shadows.

She started walking across the parking lot. At first, I didn't think much about it. When she was about halfway through the parking lot, her hair changed to strawberry blonde. Her glasses disappeared and she was even a little taller.

I knew exactly who she was. She was Seven.

Then, I realized where she was headed. In the corner of the parking lot, where the lighting wasn't very good, there were two cars and a minivan.

I knew they were up to something, especially when I saw another familiar face step out to greet Seven. That familiar face was Eight.

Seven, Eight, and some agents started heading toward the gym. I knew I couldn't let them see me. If I went through the front door, they would most likely notice me. I decided it would be better to go through the back door.

I carefully made my way to the other side of the gym and to the back door, only to find that it was locked. I used my powers to open it. Afterward, I wiped my nose on my arm.

As I entered the room I saw that Seven had re-entered the gym, in her disguise. I quickly made my way back to where I last saw my friends, only to discover that only Dustin was sitting there.

"Where are the others?" I asked him.

"Oh, they're on the dance floor," he said.

"We have to go, right now," I told him, grabbing him by the arm. Dustin stood up.

"Why?" He asked.

Before I could answer, the fire alarm went off. A fire was visible and the sprinklers were spraying water all over the dance floor and all over the tables. Students were panicking, running all across the gym. Some were even yelling. The principal stood in the middle of it all.

"This is not a fire drill! Everyone is to leave immediately!" He shouted.

Dustin and I frantically started looking for our friends. Dustin grabbed Lucas and Max, and I found Will.

"We have to go, right now!" I shouted.

It was complete chaos. I watched as some people entered the building. They were unnoticed by the students who were too busy panicking.

They were agents from Hawkins Laboratory and were heading straight toward us.

As we tried running toward the front door, a huge fire flared up, blocking the way.

"Oh no! We're trapped!" Max cried.

"What are we going to do?" Will asked, scared.

I suddenly remembered how I had left the back door unlocked after entering earlier.

"We can go through the back door!" I shouted to them.

We ran as fast as we could toward the back door. The others started making their way out, but I tripped. I sat on the floor, the flames coming closer. Then, I saw something that I couldn't believe.

It looked like...

But no, it couldn't be.

I was probably delusional. Plus, it was hard to see through these flames, and the person was wearing dark glasses and was taller than-

"Are you okay, El?" Dustin asked, helping me up. I was dazed and confused. Everything was happening so fast.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Come on, let's go!" Lucas called from the door.

Dustin and I rushed toward the back door of the gym.

I just kept telling myself not to turn back around. Don't look back.

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