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El's POV:
"I-I don't understand," I stuttered, backing away from Marianna. "I thought that we were friends, and friends don't lie!" I cried.
Marianna let out a sick laugh.
"We aren't friends. We aren't family. That's what I told myself when I made a deal with Brenner."
"What deal?" I asked, horrified by how cold Marianna had become.
"I told him that I could easily trick you, and he believed me. He offered Laura and my safe passage if I turned you in! We would finally get the life we have fought for so long to have! I couldn't quit when I finally saw a light at the end of the dark tunnel of my life!" Marianna insisted. She gave me a cold stare.
"Where is Laura right now?" I asked.
"Where do you think? Brenner has her, and if I didn't turn you in, he was going to keep us apart! I couldn't let that happen! I promised that I would always protect her, and I can't break that promise, even if it costs a minor casualty," 002 said, backing away from me. She opened the door and let Brenner in. I burst into tears at the sight of the man I had hoped never to see again.
"Hello, Eleven," he said, shooting a smile in my direction.
I began to sob. How could this be happening? How could we lose now, after everything?
"No! No, Papa!" I screamed as he kneeled at my level. He grabbed my wrist forcefully and put a metal bracelet on me. I tried to use my powers, but I couldn't. This new accessory was preventing me. I was powerless.
"Take her to the new lab. The machine is in there," Brenner said to Marianna. I screamed and scratched at Brenner and 002 as they both began taking me away.
I grabbed onto the door frame as best as I could as we were leaving the room, but I quickly lost my grip. I yelled in annoyance. I decided to pull my legs up from off the ground to make dragging me a lot more complicated, but they still managed. I kicked and screamed, but nothing changed. I struggled to get free but eventually gave up, crying so hard as they dragged me down the neverending hallway.
Suddenly, they dropped me in the middle of the hallway. At first, I didn't notice, because I was too busy sobbing.
I stopped my crying and stood up, wiping my face. I was shocked to find Brenner and Marianna face down on the floor, dead as doornails. There was no blood or any wounds. That was so odd. It was an answered prayer, but how? It was almost as if they were brain dead.
I shrugged it off, just thankful to be alive. I was ready to leave, but then I remembered that Mike was somewhere in this lab, and it was up to me to find him.

Always By Your Side *Mileven* // SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now