I Won't Let This Happen Again

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Mike's POV

I stumbled through the forest, having trouble. Some things I could touch, while others I could walk right through. I was trying figure out how to escape this forest.

I heard a crunch and a crack.

"Hello? Is somebody there?"

I stood in the middle of the snow. It was January, 1986. I had been gone for over a year. I was so close to finding my way home. But, I felt like someone was watching me.


I heard another noise. I quickly jumped. I was so certain that someone was there.

"Look, I'm not going to hurt you. Please, do not hurt me. I come in peace."

Wow, I sounded very corny.

I heard muffled voices. Suddenly, two people cane out of the bushes.

It was Lucas and Max.

"Who are you?" Max asked.

"It must be one of those lab agents! He's dressed like one, and he's close to the lab!"

"Ewww, and he's covered in dirt."

"And his hair is a mess."

They didn't recognize me.

"Guys, it's me, Mike!"

"What do you mean? You killed Mike! He was my best friend!" Lucas yelled.

He clearly thought I was a crazy agent. He stood in front of Max and looked about ready to attack me.

"Don't you get it? I never died! They kidnapped me and made some cover story, so you would all stop looking for me!"

"But, Eleven saw you-"


"Wait, you're telling me that this whole time, you were alive?"

Lucas fell to his knees, in tears. Max gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder. Even she was in tears.

"We even had a funeral! We have been broken without you, Mike!" Lucas exclaimed. Pain filled his eyes.

Lucas stood up to give me a hug, but went right through me, as if I were a hologram.

"What in the world?"

"010 did this to me."

"010? There are more of them?"

"Yes, many more."

"We were cutting through the forest to meet at El's. Hopper is at work and he said we could all hang out there for the day. We're probably running late now. Would you like to join us?"

"Of course."

The three of us walked through the snow. We eventually made it to the little cabin. We stepped over the trip wire and onto the front porch. I was extremely nervous. What would they think?

Lucas knocked. There were footsteps and then the door opened.

"You guys are 20 minutes late! You better have a good excuse or else-"

Dustin paused, looking at me, shocked.

"Stop it, guys, what kind of sick joke is this?!" Dustin cried.

Will came up to the door as well.

"Dustin, calm down. What's wrong-"

Will also froze, with a loss for words.

"What is it?" A familiar voice asked from inside.

El walked up to the door.

"Mike!!!" She shrieked, tears filling up her eyes.

She tried to give me a hug, but her arms went right through me.

"We can explain," Max said.

We all walked inside.

The three of us tried our best to explain what had happened.

"I originally called you all here today to tell you that I had seen Mike in the forest the other day. I thought he was in danger," El said.

"So, let me get this straight. Ten did this to you?" Dustin asked.


"And she can defy physics and twist reality?" Will asked.


El stood up.

"How could I let this happen? I can't let this happen again. I won't let this happen again," El said, tears filling her sad eyes.

"It's okay El. I'll be okay. We'll figure this out, together."

Suddenly, I felt a ton of pain. I watched in irony as my hand bent in ways it shouldn't. It was horrifying.

"W-What's going on?" Max asked.

"Ten's powers are defective. Mike, she's killing you."

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