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El's POV:

I could tell Mike tried to stay strong and act tough. The others might have believed his act, but I didn't. I knew, by looking into is brown eyes, that deep down, he was scared.

I walked up to him, and tried to grab his hand, but mine went right through his.

His face saddened.

"Follow me, Mike."

We both walked outside, onto the front porch.

"You need help."
"El, I'm fine, really. I-"
"Mike. You have days."
"D-days?" Mike croaked.
"Yes. Now follow me."
"We are going to find Laura and fix this."

Laura's POV:

"I can't believe you lost him!!!"

"I know, I was foolish."

"Foolish?! He was all we had against Brenner. Now, we have nothing. We were going to use him as bait. We were going to lure Eleven in. Then we'd finally have enough people to face Heather and Kali, along with Brenner. Laura, our plan is ruined now."

"No, it's not!"

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe not. You know how you told me tobe careful with my powers, because they might be defective?"

"Laura. You didn't."

"Now they have to come crawling back to us for help."

"But Laura. He could die. Do you have any idea what you have done?"

Always By Your Side *Mileven* // SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now