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Mike's POV:

I was aimlessly wandering around the corridor. El had told me to meet her out here, but she was taking an awfully long time. Had they caught her? I was getting worried. Maybe I shouldn't get so worked up. I should calm down and give her a bit more time.
"Mike!" I heard a familiar voice call.
I turned around to see El.
"Oh, where were you?"
"I've been waiting for you. Where were you?"
"I thought you told me to meet you here? I've been waiting."
"Sorry! I forgot. I had to take the back way to get in here. There were more agents than I had originally thought."
"Oh, okay."
"Now, let's get out of here!"
A gun fired. We looked to see two agents at the other end of the hallway. The bullet had barely missed us.
"Come on!" I shouted, helping El up.
I grabbed her by the hand, and we both began to run through the halls. There were so many twists and turns. I wasn't even entirely sure where I was going. All I was trying to do was get both of us out of here safely.
"Do you know where the nearest exit is?" It turned to ask El.
"Actually, I think I do. Go to the end of the hall, and then turn right."
We both continued to run as fast as our feet could carry us. Once we got to the end of the hall, we turned right. It was a dead-end, other than one door on the left wall.
"Where do I go now?" I asked.
"Through that door!" El shouted, pointing at the door I had noticed.
An agent turned the corner and shot at us. El was hit! She made a noise and reached to her side. I opened up the metal door, and we both ducked behind it as more shot was fired. I closed it and locked it, pulling us both inside.
"Shh. Save your breath. I got you, don't worry," I said, picking her up in my arms.
"We're not safe."
"Stop it! El, I know that! Don't speak, you'll only use up your energy. There has to be something in here that I can use to patch you up," I said, looking around, setting El down.
I suddenly realized where I was. I was in the old part of the lab that no one used anymore. Where the portal used to be, and where the attack of the demodogs occurred. I looked around and noticed small white spores. What? This shouldn't be happening if the gate was closed.
I turned to find El, turning into mist.
"Eleven? El?" I shouted, scared. What had just happened? "El, where are you?"
"She's not here. She never was. It was only an illusion," 008 said, stepping out from the shadows.

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