Party Crashers

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El's POV:

I walked through the gym doors of Hawkins High School. The gym was beautifully decorated for the winter dance. I looked around the room, trying to find my friends. In the corner of the room, sitting at a table, were Dustin, Lucas, Will, and Max. I walked over to join them.

"Hey, guys!" I said, taking at the table with them.

"Hi, El. It's good to see you here," Max said, smiling.

"We weren't sure if you were going to come, you know, because-" Dustin started, but Lucas jabbed him with his elbow.

"Dustin!" Lucas said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, uh, sorry," Dustin said, rubbing his arm.

I just faked a laugh and continued talking with my friends.

"So, how did setting up the decorations go earlier?" Lucas asked us.

"It went well, but Dustin was lost in thought for about half of it," Will said, chuckling.

"Hey!" Dustin said. He too began laughing.

I just looked down and tried to avoid eye contact.

"I can't believe that this is Nancy and Jonathan's senior year, and their last school dance," Max said.

"I know right. Steve isn't even in high school anymore! I miss him. I think he is either going to work for his dad or he is trying to go to college," Dustin announced.

We looked across the room to see Jonathan and Nancy talking with some friends. I hadn't seen Nancy in person for a while. I was glad she came. I doubted I would talk to her though. Whenever the thought came into my head, I quickly pushed the idea away.

"I'm thirsty. I'll go get some punch," Lucas said, starting to walk away.

"Oh, no, it's ok. I was going to get some punch too. I'll just bring you back a glass," I told Lucas, standing up.

"Oh, ok, thanks," He said, smiling.

I swiftly made my way to the punch table.

There, serving punch, was a girl wearing a lavender dress. She looked a little old to be in high school, maybe in her twenties. She had shoulder-length black hair which had been nicely curled. She also wore purple glasses and had green eyes.

"Hello, would you like some punch?" She asked me.

"Oh, uh, yes. Two cups please," I replied.

She carefully handed me two cups of punch.

"Thank you," I said, turning away.

As I turned around, I didn't notice her green eyes flicker.


Seven's POV:

I had an earpiece in as I talked to Eight. I was already in the gym. Eight, Brenner, and the seven other agents, one of which was Michael Wheeler, waited outside. 

My powers were very useful, but I still needed improvement. For example, I could only mind control one person at a time, and right now, I was using my powers on Michael Wheeler. When I wasn't using my powers, I had normal green eyes, nothing out of the ordinary. There was one side effect though when I was using my powers. My pupils turned green and my irises turned a bright green.

I stood behind a counter, serving punch to high schoolers, scouting out the area. Eight used her powers to give me the appearance of a girl with shoulder-length black curled hair. To make my eyes seem less noticeable since I was using my powers to keep Michael under control, I wore purple glasses.

I had to hurry and get out as soon as possible because Eight's disguise would not last all night long. My job was to scout out the gym and to make sure Eleven had come. When I saw her come up to the punch bowl, I had completed my mission.

"Hello, would you like some punch?" I asked her.

"Oh, uh, yes. Two cups please," She replied.

I carefully handed her two cups of punch.

"Thank you," She said, turning away.

My eyes flickered with excitement. Everything was going as planned.

I carefully snuck out of the gym and outside to where some agents were hiding in ordinary cars. We didn't bring the Hawkins Laboratory vans because those would have been too noticeable. We had two cars and a minivan.

The disguise wore off as I walked over to the side of the parking lot where the lighting wasn't the best, which was where we were parked.

I was still wearing a lavender dress, but the glasses were gone, and my shoulder length strawberry blonde hair returned.

"Eight, come on, let's finish this. After we do our part of the plan, the agents will do their job. Papa, you wait here," I said to everyone.

"Tonight, we're party crashers," Eight said.

Eight and I quickly returned to the gym, followed by the agents, who were all wearing black clothing. Among those agents was Michael Wheeler, with green eyes.

"Ok, so, you will go back in, disguised, and pull the fire alarm. The sprinklers will shoot out water all over the dance floor and the guests. That's when I make them see the principal come in and tell them this is not a drill, but an actual fire. I will make them see a fire and they will all run outside," Eight told me.

"But won't they come back in once the sprinklers put out the fake fire?" I asked.

"The floor will be covered in water, along with themselves. They won't want to return to the gym," Eight said confidently.

"That's when you make the group of kids see the fire in the way of the main entrance when really, there is nothing there. The kids will go to the back door, while everyone else doesn't see the fire in the main entrance, only Eleven's squad will. The back door is locked, so it will appear that they are locked in," I said.

"And that's when we get Jane, uh, I mean, Eleven back," Eight said.

"And soon, we will have all the numbers," I said.

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