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~El's POV~

I was walking downtown. Everyone was so busy in their busy lives. I stopped to stare through a store window. Somehow, something in the window reminded me of Mike. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Then, I heard arguing from inside. A boss and an employee started arguing. I could barely make out what they were saying.

"Robin! Your lunch break is over! Get back to work!" The boss yelled at his employer.

"I am so done with this job! Nothing ever happens in this town!" The employee, I assumed Robin, yelled, before rushing out the door, and almost bumping into me.

Little did she know just what she was missing.

I decided to continue on walking along the sidewalks. I saw Steve Harrington arguing with his father. Everyone seemed to be so uptight today.

"Dad, I told you, I don't want to run the family business!" Steve yelled, walking out of his father's store.

"Steve, I want you to!" His dad scolded, coming out after him.

"No Dad! I want to go to college! I don't want to run the family business!"

"Well, if you don't get accepted anywhere, I'll see you back here at my shop," his dad said angrily, and quickly turned to walk inside.

Steve looked so upset and annoyed. I watched as he got into his car and just sat there, contemplating life, for a moment.

I continued on downtown.

That's when I saw Lucas's little sister, Erica, riding her bike with her friends behind her. They all looked so happy. Honestly, I have to admit I was a little jealous. She was having so much fun with her friends. My friends and I were broken. We could never really have as much fun as we used to, no matter how hard we tried. I, in particular, was broken.

I remember how I used to ride on the back of Mike's bike through the town. We used to have so much fun together, but now, he was gone. Everyone seemed to have problems of their own in this town, but none of them seemed to realize just what exactly was going on underneath the curtain.

I eventually came to my destination.

The cemetery.

I made my way inside and looked at all of the graves. It made my heart hurt, as I passed Barb's grave. Her family had been so distraught after her death.

Finally, I got to Mike's grave.

I just sat there and cried. I just cried.

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