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Laura's POV

I watched as Mike stared at me blankly. Maybe I had spoken too soon.

"I'm sorry, what?"

I looked down, blushing, afraid to meet his eyes.

"Did you say you were in love with me?"

I nodded.

"But I just met you!"

"I know, but, we could get to know each other! I think we'd be a good couple!"

"I barely know you! And, your sister is holding me captive!"

"Mike, things could be different! Under different circumstances, you could learn to love me!"

"I'm in love with somebody else."



"My sister? Why her? Why not me?"

"Like I said, we've been through a lot together. I could explain why I like her, but that would take too long."

"But, she forgot about you! She didn't even bother to look for you! She doesn't care about you, but I do!"

I tried to put a comforting hand on his shoulder, but he pushed me away.

"No, no you're wrong. Eleven would never give up on me!"

"Well, she did!" I yelled. I was so angry. My powers were bound to get out of control.

"Ok, look, don't take this the wrong way please, but I don't think you and I would be a good match," he said, turning to climb down the tree.

He was going to leave me. My first friend and my first crush, was going to leave me behind. I just couldn't allow it. I couldn't.

The next thing I knew I placed my hand on him and used my powers.

"What did you do to me?"

"You'll see," I said.

He tried to climb down, but he couldn't grip onto the branches and fell.

I had the power to defy physics.

Michael couldn't touch anything but the walls, doors, windows, the ground, and other stuff like that. Any person or object he came in contact with, he would phase through.

Including tree branches.

"Now you're a walking glitch. Have fun with that. And, I don't advise you come back. I'm capable of many things."

Mike lay on the ground, flustered.

"You can't leave me like this! Come on, Laura! Please!"

But I kept walking. He made me feel non-existent and now, I was simply returning the favor,

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