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Mike's POV:

The last thing I remembered was that Seven, Eight, and Dr. Brenner were trying to convince me to help them.

The next thing I know, I'm standing in a fiery gym. People are panicking and running. On the other side of the flames, I see Dustin helping Eleven up, and they run out the back door. Neither of them looked back at me. Did they even recognize me?

I reached up to my face to find I was wearing sunglasses. I pulled them off my face and threw them on the ground. I stepped on the sunglasses and broke them.

Off to the side, Eight and Seven were talking.

"Heather, you're getting tired. How long have you been using your powers for, sister?" Eight asked her.

"I'm not sure," Seven replied.

"Your eyes aren't glowing anymore. I think your powers stopped working," Eight said.

Seven quickly turned around. She saw me standing there, with the sunglasses on the ground.

"Catch him!" She yelled.

I did the first thing that came to mind. I ran through the flames, and out the back door.

When I got outside, I wasn't burned at all. It was an illusion. Eight had faked the fire. 

I desperately tried to find my friends, and call out to them, but my throat was scratchy, and I couldn't see very well through the tears streaming down my face.

"Dustin! Eleven! El!" I screamed, in between sobs.

It was like I had been holding these tears in for nine months. After seeing El, the tears broke free.

I was running aimlessly, unsure of whether I was even going in the right direction. I was crying and calling out names.

"Lucas! Will! Max!"

But no one responded.

"Dustin! Eleven!"

I had seen El, but she didn't look back at me.

"El! Eleven!" I screamed.

I tripped over a rock and fell. I scrapped my forearms on the pavement of the road I was running on. I was crying uncontrollably by that point.

I finally stood up and dusted myself off. My arms hurt from the fall.

Then, someone grabbed me, covering my mouth with their hand. I tried to scream and panic, but I couldn't. For some reason, I felt calm. The strange thing was, I was anything but calm. It was as if my emotions were being manipulated. My eyes stung with tears.

"It's ok, Michael," A voice said. 

The women removed her hand from my mouth. I turned to face her, but she turned her head. On her forearm was the number 002.

Suddenly, I felt very tired. I almost fell over, but she caught me. She picked me up in her arms and carried me to a car.

It was an agent's car.

I was placed in the back seat. 

As she got into the front seat, I saw a name tag on the ground by the back seat.

It read, "Agent Garcia."

Always By Your Side *Mileven* // SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now