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10 Months Earlier

Eight's POV:

I walked down the hallway of the laboratory, escorted by two agents. They led me to a room at the end of the hall and sat me down in a chair by a desk. They tied my hands to the arms of the chair. On the other side of the desk sat Dr. Martin Brenner.

"Why have you brought me here?" I asked, struggling to get free.

"You knew you couldn't hide forever, Eight," He said to me.

I tried to calm down.

"Agent Ashley, please hand me those files I gave to you earlier," Dr. Brenner said to an agent who wore a dark grey business suit and had her blonde hair tied back into a ponytail.

The agent stepped forward and handed him the files.

"Thank you," He said, as he flipped through some papers. He pulled one out and set it on the desk.

"These are all of the numbers from Hawkins Laboratory. There is a picture of One all the way through Eleven," He said and pushed the paper closer to me.

I studied the pictures. I saw a picture of myself from about ten years ago. Underneath my picture was the number 008.

"What are you trying to tell me?" I asked him.

"The numbers are too dangerous. They pose a threat to me and the whole world."

"What are you planning on doing?"

"I am going to re-capture all of the numbers."

"But, Dr. Owens wanted to give the numbers a life of freedom."

"The numbers are too dangerous to let them go. If you help my agents and I re-capture the numbers, I will guarantee you freedom," Dr. Brenner said.

"What do you plan on doing to the other numbers?" I asked.

"They won't be harmed, I promise, but what I have planned is confidential information," He said.

"If I help you, all I get is freedom?"

"You will get a roof over your head, a hundred thousand dollars, a new car, instead of that old van, along with your freedom," Dr. Brenner said, smiling.

"Ok, I'll help you," I told him.

"That's wonderful to hear. Agent Malcolm, please escort Eight to the meeting room. Seven is waiting there for her," Dr. Brenner said.

He had another number already? I wondered if she was going to help him too. 

One agent escorted me out, while the other started talking to Dr. Brenner.


Dr. Brenner's POV:

I watched as Eight left the room with one agent. The other agent, Ashley, came up to me.

"But, I thought you said that all of the numbers were going be locked away in the laboratory and stripped of their powers, and-"

I cut her off abruptly.

"Let's not discuss the whole plan right now."

"Sorry, Sir."

"I did say that all of the numbers would be locked away, and that is including Eight and Seven. I just need them to believe that they will be guaranteed freedom, so they can help us re-capture the numbers. I think I have been able to track the recent whereabouts of all the numbers except for Two."

"What are Two's powers?"

"She has the power of manipulation," I told Agent Ashley.

"What does that mean?"

"She can manipulate three things: The emotions of other people, the powers of the other numbers, and her identity. She could be right under our noses, and we wouldn't even know, because she could be disguised. In my opinion, she is the most dangerous of all the numbers," I sighed.

"It sounds like it will be a challenge to find her," Ashley said.

"Yes, it will be, but with Seven and Eight, I think we can find her."

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