He's In Danger

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El's POV

I had seen him.

I woke up underneath a tree, rubbing my head. How had that backfired?

Mike was taken away from me.

He had been alive this whole time.

And I hadn't even bothered looking for him.

I gave up on him too easily.

"El! Are you okay?" Hopper asked, running up to me.

"I saw him."


"I saw Mike. But I think he's in danger."

Two's POV

I walked inside the building, ready to finally confront Doctor Owens.

"Agent Garcia, good to see you!"

"Good to see you too, Doc."

"So, have any news on where the numbers are?"

I thought it was funny. Doctor Owens was trying to find all the numbers to ensure them safety and to correct past mistakes. Doctor Brenner wanted to find all the numbers and make sure to cover up his mistakes. I didn't want go think about his plans.

"Well, you see sir, I need to tell you something, in private."

"Okay, follow me to my office."

Both of us walked in and closed the door.

"Okay, what was it you needed, Agent Garcia?"

"I know where five of the numbers are, and there powers."

"Let's hear it!"

"Eleven, real name, Jane, is with her adoptive father, Hopper, in a little cabin in the forest. Her power is telekinesis."

"Yes, we already know about her."

"Eight, real name, Kali, is somewhere in this laboratory with Dr. Brenner-"

"Wait, what?!"

"Well, he somehow found a secret area to continue his work but to remain hidden in plain sight."

"Okay, well, onto the numbers I don't know about."

"Seven, real name, Heather, is also with Brenner. She is his biological daughter. Her power is mind control."


"Ten, real name, Laura, is somewhere in the forest. Her power is defiance. She can defy physics, science, and twist reality."

"And the last one?"

"Two, real name, Marianna, is somewhere in the forest, along with Ten. Her power is manipulation. She can manipulate the powers of other numbers, emotions, and her identity."

"Wait, how do you know so much about the numbers?"

"My name is Marianna Garcia. I am Two."

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