The Pawn

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Mike's POV
"What are you saying? I followed Eleven into this room. She told me that this was a way out."
"I was the one that led you out," 008 grinned.

"What did you do?! Where is she?!" I screamed, advancing towards her. I wasn't afraid anymore. I was done cowering from these no good numbers.

008 started coughing. I looked down and saw her hand pull away from her side. Blood was drenching her hand, dripping everywhere.

"You really have been shot," I said. "Was that part of the plan?"

I tried to take a step forward, but she turned away.

"It doesn't matter if it was part of the plan! Leave me be! Brenner will save me anyway," she hissed.

A deep familiar voice let out a chuckle. A silhouette was hiding in the shadows. The profile stepped out and revealed themself to be none other than Dr. Martin Brenner.

"Silly girl. You really thought I would hold up my end of the bargain?" He laughed.

"Why wouldn't you?" She croaked.

"You were too easy to use as a pawn. You hung on every word I said. That was your first mistake," Brenner said, kneeling down at her level. He put his hand to her cheek. "My work here is done. Eleven has been captured, and I'm on my way now. You are no longer any use to me."

He stood up and started walking away. Cries broke free from 008's lips. He wrapped his hand around a lever, and before pulling it down, he said, "Now it's time for you to meet your fate."

The lever slammed down, and he raced out of the room, slamming the deadbolt door. A portal to the upside down had been open once more, and it was trying to take us with it before it closed for good.

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