You Can't Make Me Help You!

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~Mike's POV~

I had been blackmailed and trained to be an agent for what remained of the original Hawkins Laboratory team. Apparently, out of all of those who were close to Brenner, only about 6 of them remained. Most of the others had fled after authorities shut down the laboratory.

Now there was a total of about ten of us, including Dr. Brenner and I, who were hiding out in the lab. As far as anyone was aware of, no one knew we were here. Dr. Owens had even evacuated the laboratory. The remainder of the team was a few agents I didn't know the names of, Dr. Brenner, Seven, and Eight. 

It had now been nine months since my death had been faked. I had been captured in March. It was now December.

After a long day, I now sat in my isolated room which felt more like a prison cell.

Things had been so hard. I felt so lonely here. I missed my friends, family, and Eleven. My heart ached at the thought of her. I guess they were right. Eleven had given up on me. At least, it seemed like she had.

I mean, I didn't blame her. My fake death was pretty convincing.

But still, it hurt, knowing that no one would probably ever try looking for me. If Eleven gave up, I'm sure Lucas, Will, and Dustin had too.

I could feel tears coming to my eyes, but I held them back. I clenched my knees to my chest and sat on the cot in my room.

Suddenly, Brenner burst into my room.

"Michael, come with me," he said, stepping aside to let me through the door.

I followed him. It wasn't like I couldn't. I had to listen and do everything he said. It was terrible.

We walked down a long hallway until we reached a different room. In the room were Seven, Eight, and a few other lab agents.

"We know the location of Eleven tomorrow night," Brenner said.

I was afraid of what he would say next.

"We are going to raid the Winter School Dance at Hawkins Highschool."

I jumped up, attempting to lunge at him, but some agents pulled me back.

"NO! NO! DON'T YOU HURT HER! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME HELP YOU! I WON'T! I JUST WON'T!" I yelled, desperately trying to break free.

All of a sudden, I felt really tired. I put my hand up to my neck to find out I had been sedated. I looked up to see Dr. Brenner.

"Oh, you will help us. Right, Seven?" Dr. Brenner said, smirking.

"Of course," Seven said, her eyes flickering green.

And then everything went black.


I will try to update again soon! Thank you all so much for the positive feedback I am receiving from this story! I am so glad you enjoy reading it! Thank you for over 100 views! ~Rocky

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