It's A Trap

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Mike's POV:

I grabbed a gun off of a fallen agent, and El and I made our way to the laboratory.

"Are you sure you're still up for this?" I asked her.
"Ok, then let's go."

We broke through the doors but no one was there. The foyer seemed empty. No alarms went off and no agents were there to greet us.

"That's odd," I thought aloud.

We heard someone scream in the distance. It was a female voice.

"Seven," El said, running down the hall in that direction, chasing the sound.
I raced after her, my weapon ready.

We came to a room where we traced the shouting to. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"I got this," El said. She concentrated on the door and it unlocked. She wiped the blood from her nose and then turned to me, giving me a smile.
I grabbed the door knob and slowly turned it.

"Heather!" El shouted, walking up to the chair in the middle of the room. She was sitting their, facing away from us.

"Thank you sister for helping us. Don'tt worry, we are here to help you now," El said, placing a hand on Heather's shoulder. She didn't flinch.

"Seven, you're safe," I reassured her, taking a step closer to El.

Eleven turned the chair around and screamed at the sight that she saw. She fell back onto me, grabbing onto my arm, letting out a whimper.

There in the chair sat Heather Brenner, dead as a door nail, with a bullet through the heart.

"El! It's a trap! We have to leave, now!" I said to her.
I took her hand and lead her out into the hallway.

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