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Dear Friends,

As I pen down these words, my heart is brimming with excitement and love, just like the characters in Tales of the heart. This story holds a special place in my heart, and I'm overjoyed to share it with you.

Tales of the heart is more than just a book—it's a journey of emotions, a tapestry of love, and a testament to the power of following our hearts. Through the pages of this story, I invite you to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Aidah and Sayyid, two souls who found solace and passion in each other's arms.

In this tale, you'll witness the magic of unconditional love, the strength to defy societal expectations, and the beauty of embracing our true desires. It's a story that celebrates the triumph of love, reminding us that no obstacle is insurmountable when our hearts beat as one.

As you turn each page, may you feel the warmth of the Nigerian culture and the richness of its traditions. May you experience the butterflies in your stomach as Aidah and Sayyid's love blossoms, and may you be inspired to chase your own dreams fearlessly, just as they did.

To me, writing Tales of the heart has been a labor of love, and I hope that it touches your heart in the same way. Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey, and I can't wait for you to experience the magic that lies within these pages.

So please, do not forget to shower me with your beautiful comments and likes❤️

With love and gratitude,

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