chapter 12

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It's 6pm and they are in the plane on their way to paris. After spending a week in spain, they decided to go to paris and  have fun. They shortly arrived and everyone is tired. They entered the cab and went to the hotel, they will be staying in 'four seasons hotel george v'.

They arrived at the hotel, everyone has his/her own room. Aidah collected her key card and went to her room. She is very tired but she had to take a tour of the room first! Everywhere is so beautiful. She especially loves the bathroom, that's the first place she checks at a hotel.

She came back to the room and sat on the chair. They put macaroons on a small plate on the table. Her room window is the view to the courtyard. it is so beautiful with the flowers and all.

Everyone is in their rooms definitely sleeping. She changed her clothes into something comfortable and called her boyfriend on FaceTime. He picked on the second ring

''Sayyid Muhammad Remawa." She called his full name.

''Halima Ahmad Deribe." He called back with a cheeky smile.

''Abdulsamad Ibrahim Shettima is here too'' Samad said making his face visible.

Aidah chuckled and shook her head at Samad. "You're such a character"

''Oh I know, hey can you tell your brother to be picking his calls." He said, referring to Hammad

''I will, now let me speak to the person I called'' She said and he feigned hurt and left.

''So Aidah, how was your flight?'' Sayyid asked.

''My flight was just there, Alhamdulillah''

''Sayyid, when are you going to start teaching me fulani?''

She asked, reminding him. He sighed and smiled. "Soon inshallah, when you get back..when are you coming back?''

"In a week inshallah." She replied.

''And you are going to teach me kanuri too." He said with raised a brow

''Come on, you think i can speak kanuri that much too?"

''Imagine, both of your parents are kanuri and you can't speak it? Gaskiya ya kamata a zane ki."

''Sai mu ga waye zai Zane ni din. Besides we grew up speaking hausa only and English, at least I can speak hausa unlike Nadia and my mum is not kanuri FYI, she is fulani''

''Wai ma, spare Nadia abeg. At least her mom is not Nigerian!'' He said. "And what? I really thought Ammi was kanuri fah. wow''

''Yup, but she grew up in maiduguri'' She said

"Why do you like defending Nadia ne? Me I don't get it." She added, playfully.

"Nadia is such a darling."

They talked for a while, even argued about some architectural things to the extent that made him dared her to design a house for him which she gladly agreed to.

She yawned. "I'm sleepy, Sayyid"

"What time is it there?" He asks.

She checked the time on her Apple Watch. "It's 10pm"

"Okay, Goodnight babes."

''Goodnight." She said and disconnected the call.

The next day

They are currently in 'cafe de flore' for lunch with her sisters and their grandma, Yassine, Mairam and Aisha. The cafe is one of the oldest coffee houses in paris. She ordered salad with salmon and avocado toppings with tea.

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