Chapter 27

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2 weeks later

Aidah and Sayyid came back home thirty minutes ago from the hospital, Sayyid's Aunt, Mufeeda gave birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday night. She had to undergo a c-section.

Aidah was currently in the living room laying in the couch replying messages from the wishers both on instagram, Snapchat,and WhatsApp.

Last week was a busy week. People come in and out of the house every day every time. She has started cooking this week, the Amarci is over and to be honest the cooking thing has been hectic.

Sayyid resumes work tomorrow inshallah. She will definitely miss him. He's so fun to be with honestly, she has grown used to having him around all the time.

Talking of the devil. He walked into the living room dressed in black tee and black sweatpants.

He came towards the couch she was and sat on her legs. "Ahh .kana so ka karya ni ne?" She screamed.

He chuckled "Haba mana. I'm not that heavy fa"

She tried pushing him off her legs but she couldn't. He's so heavy. "Sayyid please. I haven't even spent a month in your house and you already want to break me"

"I'm planning on breaking you, but not here." He whispered in her ear making her face flush with blush.

"You're so shameless wallah." She said shaking her head. He stood up, off her legs and sat down then put her legs on his laps.

"What are you doing anyways?" He asked

"Nothing. Just replying my messages ya know"

They sat there in silence for a while before he decided to talk. "Get ready we are going out after isha" 

She nodded. "Where are we going?"

"To my parents, for dinner." Was his simple reply before he stood up and went to the mosque to pray isha. He pecked her on the lips before leaving.

She stood up and went upstairs too to pray and get ready. She reached the second floor with heavy breathing and lazily dragged her legs to her room.

She loves her room. Everything is white and beautiful, it's a silver and white canopy bed. So beautiful.

She walked to her closet to look for something to wear

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She walked to her closet to look for something to wear. After almost ten minutes of searching, she finally spotted a dark green/blue lace boubou. She picked it out and paired it with a black silky scarf. She put them in the bed before entering the bathroom the have a warm shower. She stinks of food really, she smells like the kitchen.

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