chapter 18

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It's been two days since they came back to Abuja from maiduguri. Only Mairam, Aidah, Abdallah and Ayman came back along with Ummi. Yassine, Sultana and khalifa are back in Maiduguri. The house is unusually quiet, everyone is his/her room minding their business. Ammi is coming back from Maiduguri tomorrow inshallah.

Aidah will be leaving for Florida in four days inshallah. She is so bored, she does not know what to do, she has already finished packing so is free. Yesterday, she took Sayyid out on a birthday dinner date. They had so much fun, he was being so romantic and cheeky and cheesy.

She was bored so she decided to pay her sister, mairam a visit. She went to her room and they talked for a while. After, she left Mariam's room and went back to hers. She was seriously bored so she decided to go out. She called Sayyid and asked him if he was free and he said yes, she told him she was bored so he said he was coming to pick her In less than an hour.

She stripped off her clothes, wrapped a towel and entered the bathroom to take a shower. After ten minutes, she came out, dried myself and rubbed her body cream. She checked her closet and brought out a blue denim jeans and a blue off-shoulder blouse from Zara. She picked a matching blue and peach veil.

She combed her hair and tied it in a low bun. She sprayed a Dolce and Gabbana perfume and picked her wallet and phone and headed downstairs where she will be waiting for Sayyid.

After ten minutes, he called and said he was outside. She saw Ayman coming down the stairs. "Where are you going?." He asked.


He shrugged and muttered an 'okay bye'

She went out to the parking lot and saw Sayyid leaning against his White Mercedes AMG C43. Among his four cars, he loves his Mercedes more. Among his other cars are a black Jaguar XF and a grey Audi A6. Clearly, the guys is obsessed with cars.

He was wearing a black jeans and a navy blue long sleeve button up shirt with a navy blue NY baseball cap.

"Hey." She said as she reached to where he is standing.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled and opened the passenger's door for her. He went to his side and entered too. They zoomed out of her compound.

''Where are we going?'' She asked him.

''Somewhere." He replied not looking away from the busy streets.

''Somewhere, where?'' She asked with a raised brow.

''You know, you ask a lot of questions." He said, looking at her with a smirk playing on his lips.

She scoffed. "Oh really?"

He nodded. "Yeah, really."

''Have you met you? Like seriously I have never met anyone that could ask questions more than you Sayyid''

''Of course I have met me. The incredibly hot, sexy, dashing me." He winked, smirking.

She rolled her eyes. "You're so full of yourself"

They were quiet for a while before she spoke again. "Seriously Sayyid, where are we going?''

''Don't worry, you'll see. We will soon be there." He said, taking a turn. From what she can see that they are in maitama but she has no idea where they are going.

They stopped at the gate of apartments called 'Velocity Grove'. It sounds familiar, it is the flats that Sayyid's designed. It was his first and favorite project he said as he has mentioned before.

The security guards opened and they drove inside the very beautiful three story terrace building. They really are beautiful. They stopped at the front of house number 6. He went out of the car, came to her side and opened the door for her to come out .

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