Chapter 35

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Three months later...July
Houston, Texas.

It's been almost four months since Aidah got here. Sayyid came two weeks ago along with Mami. Maryam gave birth to a beautiful baby girl two months ago, Khadija Maya.

Everything has been moving so fast, before she knew it, they're shopping for diapers, wipes, baby bottles and more baby clothes...


She look at and meet Mairam's gaze. They are outside the store, loading everything in the cars trunk. It's the second week of July, exactly two weeks before her due date. Yesterday, they had a doctors appointment.

She told her that she was 1cm diluted which is nothing. As she talked about how she has to be at least 4cm dilated and continuous contractions to be admitted to the hospital, she's so anxious and scared. She's been getting contractions, the ones known as 'false contractions' and they hurt. She can't begin to imagine how much the real contractions that don't go away feel like.

"Do you feel okay?" Sayyid asks suddenly alarmed when she didn't say anything and came and stood next to her.

She nods slowly. "I'm sorry, I'm just getting little nervous" She laughs, nervously.

Sayyid puts his arm around her waist and sits her down on the car seat. She lean her head down on the car seat trying to catch my breath. It has been getting harder and harder to breathe.

"Take a deep breathe" Sayyid says softly.

"God, I'm not even in labor yet and I'm already freaking out"

"Just take a deep breath okay, it's all going to be alright." Adda meera, who was standing next to Mairam.

"Feeling better?" He asks

She nodded. "Yes, thank you."

He reaches for her hand. "I'm here for you". He says then reaches over and kisses her. She smiles after he pulled away.

"Ehem, big sissy's are still here" Adda Meera said, clearing her throat.

They all chuckled and drove home. Adda meera, Mairam, Mami and Yassine and Aidah were arranging the baby's things.

She didn't realize she had fallen asleep until pain wakes her up. She straighten on the couch, so fast she almost fall off.

"Aidah!, Subahanallah." Adda Meera says standing up. She kneels down in front of her

"Are you okay?" Sayyid says, coming into the living room.

She nods as she tries to take a few deep breathes. "Contractions"

"Should I call the doctor?" He asks, already reaching his phone.

She shakes her head. "No, don't worry they're normal and they're passing"

"Okay, would you like me to take you to bed? I told them not to wake you up"

"No, what time is it?" She asks, scanning the living room looking for a clock.

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