Chapter 34

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Five months, Aidah couldn't believe she's five months pregnant. Her baby bump is very visible now, guess she couldn't hide it forever. She now has stretch marks all over her body. The beauty of motherhood.

She is  now starting to feel all those things her sisters say they feel. She has swollen feet, lower back pain and Braxton Hicks contractions which is also the 'practice contractions'.

And the other challenge she's having is difficulty sleeping. She can't remember the last time she had a good night sleep because of her growing bump. Her belly is making it hard for her to find a comfortable position to lie in, she tries and support it with pillows, and adding another pillow between her knees for extra support.

Ya Ummi said the safest position for sleeping is on your side. Other than that, Alhamdulillah everything is going on perfectly.

Their baby boy is healthy in her belly. Yes, you heard right. They are having a baby boy, Alhamdulillah. She is so excited.

She is leaving for the states in two weeks inshallah. She is giving birth there, in Houston. Mairam and Adda Meera are coming with her inshallah.

Sayyid has been distance these past few weeks, he leaves early for work and come back very late. He normally gets back after she goes to bed, which is around 11pm.

Well, it's 10pm now and as said before, Sayyid is still not back from work.

She was already sleepy so she went to her room and did her normal night routine, changed into her pajamas and entered Sayyid's room.

She laid down on her side of the bed after switching off the light, leaving the bedside lamp on.

She recited her night duas and picked her phone to check up on a few things, go through Instagram and other social media.

She woke up to a bright room and movements in the room. She squinted her eyes and looked up.

"Hey, you're back?" She asked with a sleepy voice.

"Yeah, just got back"

"Have you eaten your dinner, left it in dinning. All you have to do is microwave it"

"I'm not hungry" He said, walking Into bathroom.

Oh okay....

She let out a deep sigh and shook her head. Sayyid has been totally ignoring her these days. She  got off the bed and went downstairs to pack the food away, her maid has gone home for the weekend and the other one is sick.

She lazily walked downstairs, packed the food and put it inside the fridge and went went back upstairs.

Sayyid is still at the shower, she could hear the water running.

She lay down on the bed and dragged the duvet up, Sayyid's phone was there so she tried to keep it on his bedside when a message popped.

H Dabo- Today was fun, really glad we had that talk. Still meeting tomorrow right? Same location as everyday? Goodnight *insert red heart*

She re-read the message over and over again not even knowing that Sayyid was out of shower already.

"What are you doing with my phone?" He asked, towel around his waist.

"Sayyid have you been seeing someone? Is that why you come back home late everyday now?"

He didn't say anything.

"I asked you a question sayyid, didn't you hear me?" She said. standing up.

Still, nothing came out from his mouth as he made his way to the closet.

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