chapter 8

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On the other end, Sayyid has been thinking about Aidah a lot lately. The way smiles, the way she talks, the way she laughs. They way she carries herself, She is just so unique.

He thinks He's falling for her. They have been friends for almost a month now and he really wants it to be more. It's been a month since the fair and a month since He saw her last. Hammad is not around so they don't go to their house now.

"Samad?" He called.

"Yeah man, whats up?" He answered looking up from his phone.

Sayyid decided to tell him that He really likes Aidah, but He is still contemplating. He knows Samad, he will tease him to death and he will definitely be like 'I told you so' and that will get on Sayyid's nerves. He brushed it all off and decided to man up and tell him.

''You know, I think I like Aidah." He finally said it.

Samad looked up from his phone and dropped it on the centre table. " I knew it." He said with a huge grin. "About damn time, bro."

''Seriously, man, I knew it since, but I wanted you to realize it first."

"Well, now what am I suppose to do?" He asked. "What am I supposed to say to Hammad."

Samad chuckled. "Hammad will surely understand, I mean, he's her big brother so he'll probably won't like it, but I'm sure it won't be a problem. Aidah is a matured woman, she makes her own choices."

Sayyid Nodded, telling Samad that he and Aida talk once in a while on Instagram.

"I'll talk to Maryam, her friend. From there we'll know what to do." Said Samad.

''Yeah sure. Thanks man'' Sayyid said and picked the remote and switched the channel to a sports channel where a match was playing between Arsenal and Chelsea. He's not a fan of both though.

His phone started ringing, checked the caller id and saw his mother's name.

"Assalamu Alaikum, Jam banduna Mami." He said.

''Okay, I'm coming." He said and ended the call and turned to Samad. "Mami wants me to take her somewhere, you coming?'' He asked him.

"Nah man, I should probably head home." Said Samad.

Sayyid nodded and went to his room and changed, He was dressed in a camo shorts and a black short sleeve shirt. He changed into a navy blue khaftan by a brand owned by Hammad's younger sister, Fatima Amma who is also a friend of his. He picked his phones, wore his glasses and slipped into a black Hermès slippers. He spritz himself with tom ford perfume and headed to His mother's side.

He met his mother and his sister Sauda in the living room dressed up nicely. He squatted, respectfully and greeted her and she answered. She stood up and they went outside to the parking lot. They entered Mami's car and drove out of the compound.

''Mami, where are we going?'' He asked his mother.

''Asokoro." Said Sauda.

''Ke na tambaya? Bana son shisshigi fah( did I ask you)'' He said playfully, which made her furrow her brows.

''Deribe's house in Asokoro." Mami answered.

He took the turn that will take them to Asokoro. He kept wondering how Mami knew them and what's taking them to the house.

''Mami daman kin san su?'' He asked.

''Yes, their father and yours are good friends Ai. I knew Maimuna a long time ago."

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