Chapter 4

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"Aidah wake up, remember you promised Amna that you would be there before we leave" Adda Nimah said calmly.

"I'm up Adda Niimah, just give me 2 minutes to be precise." She said dragging her duvet.

She opened the curtains, the light made me pull the duvet over my head. "Adda Nimah what the hell" She yelled

Chuckling hard hands clutched her stomach she said. "Sorry lil sis."

With that she left the room. Aidah really can't wait for her to get married and move out!

She got up and went straight to the bathroom and had her bath, brushed her teeth and came out. She slipped into Ankara straight gown. Picked a matching turban cap and a veil. She picked her handbag and her phone and headed downstairs.

"Help me with my bags please, they're upstairs" She said to one of the maids.

She quickly headed out to the parking lot where the driver is waiting to take her to Amna's house.

They later arrived in front of the house. She got off the car and headed to the front door. Rang the bell. Seconds later The Amarya herself opened the door.

"Amnini" She said hugging her.

"Aidah, you're leaving today right?" She asked hugging her back.

They walked to the living room and sat down on the two seater. "Yes, we're leaving at noon inshallah." She replied

She brought refreshments for her, she ate as they talk. She excused herself to go and call her husband.

"If not the Queen of fierce then who will it be" Tariq teased, walking into the living room.

She laughed and greeted him in kanuri which he replied in Hausa. They talked for a while before She told Amna that it was time for her to leave.

"So soon?" She asked

"Yeah, Ammi warned me not to stay long if not they're leaving without me"

''kai Ammi kam." She said with a small laugh.

They hugged and She left. She stopped at the gate to the house. They entered and park then She stormed out of the car to the house.

"I'm so sorry Ammi" She said as She walked through the door.

She met her directing the maids to do something. "Toh, it's okay since you're back we should get going." She replied and Aidah nodded

She quickly ran to the bathroom to use the loo before they get going. She came out and went to the car where Ammi and the rest are already seated.

They arrived at the airport after like 40 minutes. They went to the terminal and to the boarding gate. They boarded and entered the plane. They left in their father's private jet. Khalifa is staying back in maiduguri till only god knows when. Its only Ammi, Adda Niimah and Aidah that are going back.

After the usual announcement by the captain they took off.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Nnamdi Azikiwe international Airport Abuja." The pilot did the his usual announcement

They went to the departure and picked theur luggages. Their driver Beatrice and two other cars, including an escort came to pick them up from the airport. The drivers carried the luggages and put them at the back of the car trunk.

"You're welcome Ma'am." They said, greeting them.

Everyone exchanged pleasantries and they all entered the cars. After what seems like forever to Aidah, they arrived home. The securities opened the gate and drove into the humongous mansion with five buildings, each for the wives and one for their father.

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