Chapter 2

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He was sitting in his living room playing fifa 18 with Abdulsamad when his younger sister Sauda came and told him that Mami (His Mother) was calling him.

He left his side and went to the main house. He entered the living and found Ruqaiya and Najeeb watching tv.

"Where's Mami?" He asked.

"She's in the study." Ruqaiya answered

He headed to the study where he was told Mami is. He said the Salam and entered. She was sitting on the sofa with her laptop on a table.

"Jam bandu Na Mami (good afternoon)." He greeted in Fulani which is his mothers Language.

"Jam Sayyid am(fine my sayyid)." She replied with a smile but still looking at her laptop.

She closed the laptop and looked at him still smiling. Weird. He thought.

"Sauda told me you were looking for me." He said as he settled on the couch.

"Yes, help me go to Meera's house and collect my gold set for me please." She said.

"Okay Mami, you going for a wedding or something?." He asked.

"Eh, diyar friend dita ake wa aure(my friends daughter is getting married)." She said.

"Oh okay" He said and left the study.

Sayyid Muhammad Remawa, He is 28 years old. He has 3 sisters and a brother Najib, Ruqaiya, Sauda and then their big sis Ameerah who is 32 years old, married with a son Abdallah. His father is from katsina state while his mother is from Adamawa state. His stepmom Who is Meerah's mom Hajia Zubaina whom they all call Aunty is from maiduguri. His father owns a construction company which is 'MR construction company' He is now literally the CEO because dad has done lot and he is old. He says Sayyid's his first born the responsibility is on him.

He entered his of the house side and informed Abdulsamad that Mami sent him to Meerahs To collect something for her. He was dressed in a black sweat pants with a machester united jersey. He picked his Tom Ford sunglasses and his phones and wallet.

They reached the garage and hopped into his shiny black Tinted Mercedes AMG and headed to Meerah's house in Asokoro.

They arrived in front of a black iron gate in Nelson Mandela street. He honked again then the security guard opened the gate.

They reached the front door and pressed the bell. A second or two later her maid came and opened the door. They said the salam and entered. The well furnished living rooms smells really nice.  He turned to the maid and asked her where Meerah was

"She's upstairs, sir." She replied and He nodded.

He picked his phone and called her. She picked immediately.

"Meera, I'm at your house"

"Okay, I'm coming." She said.

She came down immediately, her baby bump is now visible which made her look chubbier. She is pregnant with her second child. Her first son Abdallah is of 3 summers

"So what brought you guys to my house." She asked.

"Well hello to you too Mrs Ibrahim Matawalle " Abdulsamad said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Abeg Mami sent me to you to collect her gold set if not you wouldn't have seen us here" Sayyid said.

"Oh okay, so you're not even here to see me. Shikenan Ai." She replied rolling her eyes as she went upstairs.

Abdulsamad and Meerah are cousins. His mom and hers are sisters.

He picked the remote and switched to supersport which a laliga was on with Madrid and Barcelona match. She came back with a rectangular shaped box and handed it to him.

"Handle it with care, Sayyid." She warned.

"Okay Now, I'm not going to sell it and I'm not a baby" He said. "where's my son?'' He asked of Abdullah.

"Babu ruwana fah, ah Toh and your son is at his grandparents house." She warned again and they left.

They arrived home at Mississippi street in maitama. The security guard opened the gate and they halted in front of the water fountain.

He knocked and said the salam into Mami's room. She answered and He entered

"Mami here's yours thing " He said as He handed her the box

"Thank you so much sayyidi na." She said with a smile

He went back to his side and found Najib, Samad and Ruqaiya in the sitting room laughing about something. He joined them and gisted with them until samad announced that he was leaving. That his girl needs him.

"Ah Ahn, ya samad, Ko kunya( aren't you shy of us)" Ruqaiya said.

"Toh Ruqaiya, shy for what? Or for who?" He asked laughing

"Of us now, your little ones." She replied with a chuckle.

"Lallai ma, why would I be shy of you guys?." He asked.

"kai Mallam, just go and meet your girl" Sayyid said.

"You don't keep a girl waiting." Najib spoke

"Toh goodnight guys." He said and Sayyid walked him outside to where he parked his car.

He quickly went inside the main house to say goodnight to Mami and Aunty. Then he came out and left

Samad has been Sayyid's best friend since childhood. They have been in the same school and the same class since pre nursery. They got separated at the university level. He went to university of Leicester London and Sayyid went to Harvard University.

But Alhamdulillah now they are all done and working. Mashallah.

He went back to his house and found Ruqaiya, Sauda and Najib. He sent the girls out to go and sleep.

He prayed two nafils and changed into his pyjamas and recited his dua and that's how He retired for the day.

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