chapter 13

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Its been almost a month since Sayyid saw Aidah. She travelled to spain with her family but coming back today inshallah and by the calculations he made, she should be around at 3:30. He really can't t wait to see her, he misses her so much.

Today is Friday and he is sitting in his office looking at some plans baba gave him yesterday when he heard a knock on the door. "Sorry to disturb you sir but you have a visitor." Said Patience, his secretary.

"It's okay Patience, send them in"

She said okay and left closing the door behind her. Minutes later, the door opened the person came in. He was working on his laptop so he couldn't see who it was. "You are welcome." He said still not looking up.

"Thanks darling." Said a girls voice. He looked up with surprised face looking at the person right in front of him. She was dressed in a really tight clothes that is exposing half of her body, Astagfirullah.

"Hanan, what are you doing in my office?" He asked, furrowing his perfect brows. She is the last person he was expecting to see in his office.

"What? Aren't you happy to see me Sayyid?." She asked pressing her chest to the desk making her cleavage visible. He quickly turned his head. "I missed you baby, I came back for you"

You must be wondering who she is right? Well she is his ex girlfriend Hanan Ibrahim Dabo. They met in the university, dated for almost 3 years. He really loved hanan but she broke his heart, she cheated on him with a friend of his. He dumped her since then and haven't seen or heard of her till today.

"What brought you to my office?" He asked again, sternly.

"Sayyid, baby I came back for you. Please I'm sorry baby, I am changed person now. Just give me a chance she said sayyid I want you to marry me. My dad said I should bring out a husband or else he will marry me off to one of his friends. Please Sayyid help me"

He just sat there looking at her not knowing what to say. Like is she for real? Him? marry her? Allah ya sawake. He can't even think of another girl that is not Aidah. Its always her and it will always be her inshallah.

"Look hanan, I have a girl that I love, you see I've moved on I started and I can't and will never marry you." With that he picked his belongings and left the room.

He met his PA, Hassan and told him the lock the office when she is out and then drove home. It was already past 12pm when he arrived, so he went inside and waited for baba so that thry could go to the masjid together for Friday prayer as they always do.

"Uncle Sayyid!."Abdallah, his 3 years old nephew ran and jumped on him. Abdallah is Meera's son.

"Hey buddy, how are you?"

"I am fine, where have you been?." He asked crossing his arms on his chest. This boy can talk for Africa ehn, he got it from his mother though.

"I've been in the office, now where is your mommy?" He asked and he took Abdallah took his hand in his small ones and dragged him towards the living room upstairs. He said salaam and entered.

"Aunty ina wuni." He greeted Aunty(his stepmom) and turned to his mother. "Jam bandu na Mami." He greeted in fulani.

They answered his greetings as he sat down next to meerah who was busy eating awara (soya beans). He reached for one but she immediately smacked his hand away. "Shameless guy, what do you think you're doing?"

"Come on sis, let me have one please." He pleaded.

"It is for pregnant ladies please." She said having a bite of another. "Are you pregnant?" She asked rolling her eyes.

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