chapter 6

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Sayyid was sitting on the couch in Samad's living room with a couple of their friends. Today is his friends wedding kamu or whatever it is called. The men are suppose to take the bride and her brides maids to the venue.

When he told Maami that he was going to a friends wedding in maiduguri she scolded him, asking him when he's getting married.

''You guys are always going for your friends wedding, what about yours." Ruqaiya said, earning a glare from her big brother.

''If punch you, you will turn black like that your phone case." He said, which made all of them laugh

''I hope you will find your own bride in this wedding." Maami said when they reached the lobby and he smiled even though she couldn't see him.

Samad and Sayyid went out to the parking lot of the house, they zoomed out Of the compound. Sayyid turned on the music to 'buglar bars' by '2 chainz'. Him and Samad were singing along until they arrived at a very large house in a street called 'damboa road' in GRA. They met the rest of the guys outside by the parking lot.

''Man Musty!" Sayyid said giving the groom a manly hug. He can't believe Musty is getting married.

''Architect Rems! how far." Musty replied, tapping Sayyid on the shoulders.

They waited for a while then a lady in her early forties came and told them to follow her. The house is very big, they followed her into a well furnished living room and sat down. She left saying she was going to bring the bride and her bridesmaids out. Minutes later the brides maid entered the living room. The bride entered with a girl who clearly looks like she's in her twenties. She is chocolate in complexion and very beautiful and Sayyid just found himself staring at her. He immediately recognized her as Hammad's little sister Aidah. Oh how she's grown into a beautiful young woman. She is wearing a peach outfit which fits her flawless complexion. She walked past him and sat next to her sister and snapped photos.

The same lady that brought them in came and told everyone that it was time to leave for the venue. Sayyid was driving while samad was on the passengers seat and two of the bridesmaids that entered the car were talking noiselessly.

After they dropped the girls at the venue, they headed to Samad's house. They entered the main side to greet his mother. They met her, Deedee and Nina in the living room talking. The guys said the salam and entered.

Samad's mom and sisters are here for the holidays too and the wedding. They are always in Maiduguri for the vacations.

''Waalikumsalam my boys." Maama (samad's mom) said

''Maama ina wuni." Sayyid greeted, squatting down, respectfully.

''Lafiya lau sayyid, ya taron biki?''

''Lafiya Alhamdulillah''

Sayyid turned to the girls who were laughing about something.

''What are you laughing about?." He asked with a raised brow

''Nothing!." Nina quickly said with a chuckle

''Nina ni kike wa karya? And here I thought you were my favorite." He said, faking a disappointed look

''Haba Hamma Sayyid, i'll forever be your fave and it was deedee that..." Before she finished, deedee clasped her hands to Nina's mouth which made all of them laugh harder. Sayyid shook his head and smiled.

They went to Samad's side after spending a while with the girls. He removed his cap and sat comfortably on the soft sofa. He kept thinking of the girl he saw today. He thought he should ask Samad because he goes way back with the Deribe family.

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