Chapter 1

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"Hajju, have you seen my phone?"

"Falmata, where is my earring"

"Aids, please help me with my head gear"

"Where are my shoes." Asked another person.

Everyone's going up and down looking for Their things and other stuff. They are all getting ready for the dinner at Fushan event in maiduguri.

"You girls should hurry up and come out, time is running" Aunty baana mentioned.

They went downstairs to the well furnished living room at Baba Ibrahim's.

The bridesmaids dressed in a silver lace with blue headgear while the alluring bride dressed in a beautifully well sewn blue dress by hudayya with silver headgear and a matching jewelry and shoes/clutch.

She reached for her phone in her handbag but it wasn't there. She quickly skipped upstairs to get it where She saw Aunty zara on the way.

"Aidah Au nemlaa jasmemaa(did you forget anything upstairs)?" She asked in kanuri.

"Aa(yes) Aunty zara" Aidah replied back in kanuri.

"Jin made samma kullengena(I've locked it) but here's the key and return them to her." She said giving her the key to the guest room.

She entered the room and her phone on the bedside table. She unlocked it and saw a missed call from Fahad, her boyfriend of three years.

She picked her phone and locked the room then went back downstairs where the pictures were taken by George Okoro and his crew. He told them to pose and they did.

"Oya change your style." He said In a funny way which made them all laugh.

"Amnini, you look breathtaking." Aidah said as She reached her 'mashallah'

She blushed and said a thank you, shyly.

Amna is Aida's first cousin, her dad Baba Ibrahim Umaru Mubi is her Ammi's older brother. She is 21 years old and the first born in her house. She is this kind of a shy person and is very fun to be with. Amna and Aidah have been planning their dream wedding when they were young but time flies. She's now getting married to the love of her life Tarif. And mashallah they are everyone's couple crush.

"Oya yallah girls, let's move out" Aunty yakaka said clapping her hands.

They arrived at the venue which is beautifully decorated just like Disney land. The hall was decorated blue and silver that is the aseobi and the color of the brides dress.

They arranged ourselves and danced into the hall with 'yeba' by Kiss Daniel.


They were sitted on their tables while some people are dancing, chatting and other stuff. She received a call from Fahad.

"Hey Baby." His melodious voice.

"Hey, are you here yet?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm outside." He replied.

"Okay, I'm coming." She said and ended the call.

Her Name is Halima Muhammad Deribe, She is in her early twenties. She graduated from lynn university florida this year. She is from borno state which makes her kanuri. She has 3 brothers and a sister from her mum Hajiya Maimuna (Ammi) who is from Mubi, Adamwa state. Ahmad, Muhammad, Niimah, Aidah then Khalifah the last born from her mother, Ahmad is married. She has a step mom Hajiya Fatime whom they all call yaaya, she is their baba's first wife and is from bama, Maiduguri. She has 8 children, 6 girls and two boys. then her other step mum hajiya Samira(Mummy) whom is chadian, she has 3 girls too then the last wife Hajiya Sarah(Maama) who is Egyptian and has four children, two boys and two girls . all in all they are 20 in number and She has 6 younger ones. Mashallah, her father is blessed with beautiful girls and handsome guys.

People say she's rude but to be honest, she can be rude and she don't take shit from people. She doesn't talk to people she don't know, in general.....she doesn't like places with unknown faces.

She walked outside to where the cars are parked. She spotted a shiny black Audi A8 and went to it. He came out of the car wearing a blue caftan and a matching cap.

"Hey babe." He hugged her.

"Hey, I missed you so much" She said hugging him back.

"I missed you more" he said

Fahad and Aidah walked back to the event hall hand in hand

They snapped a lot of pictures with fahad and the couple. They ate, drank and danced till midnight.

Fahad drove her home after the dinner. She was staying at baba Ibrahim's till after the wedding since all her cousins that are her mates are staying there.

They reached baba Ibrahim's house. She opened the door to leave but he caught her hand

"No goodnight kiss, babe?" He asked.

Fahad is fund of doing all these stuff. He's asked several times to go to his apartment with. But coming from a well known and respected family She did not. She cannot risk bringing shame to her family and spoil her family name.

"Babe, it's not proper, we are not married so we can't do all those stuff" She said releasing her hand from his grip.

"Please baby just a kiss." He said coming closer.

" I said no. Just leave okay?" She said starting to get annoyed.

"Goodnight then." He said as he entered his car.

She entered the house pass the living room downstairs and headed straight upstairs to the guest room that they are staying. Thank god no one was home yet so She has time to shower and rest before they all get back.

She stripped off from her fitted gown and grabbed her towel and headed to the bathroom. She switched on the tap to hot water and started her shower with body shop shower gel. Brushed her teeth and came out of the bathroom. She opened her luggage and brought out her pink and grey pajamas. She packed her hair in a high bun and prayed isha and picked the Quran to recite few verses.

She switched off the light and drifted into a deep slumber.

Hey guys! How was the first chapter? Hope it was good?!

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