Chapter 24

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Ya ummi and Ya Niimah. 🫣

Borno, Maiduguri.

Day 2 wushe wushe


Today is the wushe-wushe which is to take place in the night. In this traditional event, the brides family are to welcome the groom into their family. It is simply a traditional dinner.

They're currently getting their hair and black henna done in the balcony. They're done with the black henna and now a woman is plaiting their hair. "Ya ummi please help me pass my phone." Aidah said to her sister. Ya Ummi passed the phone to her which was ringing.

She smiled when she saw the caller. It was Sayyid, she picked up without hesitation. "Hey baby, how are you?" He asked

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah, how are you?"

He answered. "I can't wait to see you tonight"

"I can't wait too"

"Bye baby, gotta go. I love you"

"Bye. I love you too." She  said and ended the call. Her sisters and friends teased her and whatnot.

"Nadia your lalle is pretty" Aidah said to her, trying to divert their attention to another topic.

"Thanks sis, but yours is way more beautiful." Nadia said to her sister.


Everyone is going halter skelter getting ready for the event which is to start by 8. Aidah is getting her makeup done by Jide as usual. They finished the makeup in no time and damn she looks so beautiful mashallah. She was dressed in a beautiful white laffaya.

The pictures were taken by the amazing BigH and bedge. Maama helped her adjust her laffaya, that was when the two photographers snapped She came out to the living room where she snapped with her bridesmaids.

All her sisters were there, wearing the blue and red traditional attire called the 'dongashau' except Adda Niimah. She was wearing a gold laffaya.

Nadia snapped Ya Niimah and baby Nahar. Ya ummi came in and told them that Yassine is ready and waiting for Aidah outside. They'll be walking to the venue together. The event is taking place in the house.

The two brides walked side by side to the podium where their grooms were waiting for them. There stood Sayyid looking ever so handsome in his white khaftan and babbar riga with gold designs.

He smiled widely when he saw his new beautiful bride walking towards him. He felt so happy. They reached to where the grooms are standing. Sayyid offered offered Aidah his hand which she took gladly. They went to their seats and flashes every where. People kept snapping the beautiful couples.

A kanuri traditional dance was going on, it's called 'Maliki' . A lady and a guy dance to ganga kura. Later on they were called to dance. Sayyid being Fulani was had a Fulani hat on.

He whispered. "You look beautiful, my belle"

She blushed. "Thank you, you look so handsome too"

Adda Meera came to the dancing floor dressed beautifully in her pink and white laffaya. Followed by Ruqaiya and Sauda and a couple of their cousins.

"Ya Aidah you look so beautiful." Ruqaiya said to her sister in law.

"Thank you Ruks, you look beautiful too." She complimented back.

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