( 006 ) six! ( part one )

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y/n is out with her friends at an arcade/pizza place. she's with finn, wyatt, millie, jacob (millie's boyfriend), jaeden, and jaeden's girlfriend, lilia. y/n likes jaeden more than a friend should. all the boys and millie are her closest friends (except maybe for jacob, she'd only just met him) and they all know about the feelings that she's harboring for jaeden. except for the boy himself and his girlfriend. no matter how much y/n claims to like jaeden, she knows that jaeden loves lilia. and y/n can't even hate lilia. she's just so sweet, and smart, and beautiful.

in this moment, y/n and her friends are sitting at a table. y/n is at the edge, finn next to her. opposite of them is millie squished in between wyatt and jacob, wyatt also on the edge. jaeden and lilia have gone off to play some games.

y/n lets a sigh escape her lips as she watches the happy couple. jaeden just won lilia a prize. she wanted that, specifically with him. finn hears her and he rubs her back.

"it's not even love," y/n complains miserably. "they're too young to know what love is." none of the others mention anything about how y/n had once said that she was in love with jaeden. y/n, on the other hand, felt awful for saying that, considering that the girl knew that they were, indeed, in love. she was just jealous, and jealousy felt terrible. her heart was aching, and she felt like sobbing. millie reaches out to grab her best friend's hand and soothingly rubs it with her thumb.

"n/n, come on," she says. "if he can't see how amazing you are, then you should just find someone better." her gaze flicks to a spot next to y/n and back again. this goes unnoticed.

y/n shakes her head. "whatever. we came to have a good time and i'm not going to ruin it for you guys." she grins at wyatt. "are you ready to lose at skee ball?" she challenges.

"oh, you're on!" he replies, and the two race off to the skee ball machines. finn watches them go, a tiny frown displayed on his face. jacob sees it and comments, "dude, you should just tell her how you feel."

finn shakes his head fiercely, making his wild curls bounce madly. "i can't!" he exclaims, in an exasperated tone. "you know how she feels about jaeden. i'm not going to say anything and make her feel bad, or make her think that she likes me, when she obviously doesn't." seeing their sympathetic faces, finn adds, "i'm fine. i'll be anything she wants me to be. my main goal is to just be a part of her life. i'm ok with being 'just friends'." finn notices jaeden and lilia hugging and imagines that it was him and y/n on dates. he hopes that y/n doesn't look over and see.

the boy forces his anger back down and tells the couple across him to go have fun. "i'll order another pizza." millie and jacob reluctantly leave the table, greeting y/n as she rejoins finn.

"hey," she says, sliding next to him, back into her original spot.

"where's wyatt?" finn asks.

"he went to go play a couple other games. he got mad because i beat him at skee ball." the h/c haired girl laughs. finn glances around and sees jaeden and lilia. they've moved onto another game, but they're still in sight. y/n follows his gaze and sees the two. she snuggles into finn, seeking comfort.

"they're so happy together," she murmurs, wisps of her hair falling into her face. "i wish my feelings would just go away, so i could truly be happy for them. i wish i didn't have to fake it every time they're around." finn doesn't respond, so the two teenagers sit in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

millie and jacob had, very creepily, been watching the whole thing. "i'm going to help them!" millie announced to her boyfriend.

"mills, i really don't think they want that," jacob says nervously.

"i'm her best friend!" millie insisted. "i know she's hurting, and i will help her, whether she likes it or not!"

hey y'all! part 2 will be up soon! uM thanks for 200 reads! you guys are the best in the whole wide world!!! w o w ilysm

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