( 031 ) thirty-one!

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okay so idrk what happens at a wedding, so pls bear w me lmao

a smile grew on y/n's face. it was her wedding day, and in just a few short minutes, she would be seeing the love of her life.

millie was adding the finishing touches on her makeup, and sadie walked around her, smoothing out all the wrinkles on her white silk dress. y/n's mom stood off to the side, holding her daughter's bouquet of flowers, gingerly wiping her eyes. "my baby's all grown up," she smiles tearily. "my baby's getting married."

"i love you, mom," y/n said, hugging her mother tightly, being careful not to smush the flowers.

"alright, its almost time," millie announced. "everyone, go!" she ushered all of the girls put of the room, and they lined up with the groomsmen outside the door. the music started and the pairs began to walk down the aisle as the door opened. sadie was paired with caleb, lilia with jaeden, millie with jeremy, and sophia with wyatt. maddie had been partnered with chosen, who was finn's best man. y/n's father was, of course, walking her down the aisle. as the pairs in front of them moved, y/d/n patted his daughter's hand.

"i'm so proud of you," he told her. he pressed a kiss to her temple and then the music began. the doors opened widely and everyone stood. y/n's dad led her down the aisle. y/n blushed when she realized that everyone was looking at her. then she saw him. finn wolfhard, the man she was marrying. her father handed her off to finn, and the minister began to speak.

"hi," he whispered. "you look beautiful."

"hi," she whispered back. "you look handsome." they listened as he spoke, and repeated what had to be repeated. finally, it was time for the vows. lilia handed y/n a notecard, because there was no way in hell that y/n could memorize her vows. she mouthed a 'thank you' to her best friend, and turned back to finn. he was also holding a notecard. the two grinned at each other. "i'll go first," he offered. finn cleared his throat and began. "y/n, the day i first laid eyes on you, i knew i was a goner. you swept me away with your stunning smile and your kind words. when you first spoke to me, it was to make a joke. it was pretty funny, even though now i couldn't remember the joke for the life of me. when i found out that someone else from our grade liked you, i was filled with jealousy. we weren't dating yet, but you were mine! i knew one day we'd be standing up here together. now, i get to spend the rest of my life with a beautiful, hilarious, smart woman who has completely taken my heart. i love you, y/n."

y/n gently wiped at her eyes, trying not to smudge the makeup millie had applied. "i don't think i can top that," she laughed. "finn wolfhard, you could've chosen anyone in this world, but you chose me. you are an incredible human and i love you. i love everything about you, how your hair falls into your face when you move your head, how your eyes light up when you talk about the things you love the most. i love your voice, and i love when you sing me to sleep when it's late and i am wide awake. i love you, finn wolfhard." finishing your little speech, y/n heard sniffles in the crowd and she smiled a little.

the two slid the rings on each others fingers when told to do so, and at last, the minister said, "you may now kiss the bride." finn leaned down, the two shared a long lasting kiss. and just as they pulled away, y/n woke up.

y/n hoisted herself up into a sitting position on her bed, wiping at her eyes. she was sobbing loudly. the empty space on the bed next to her brought about fresh tears. the wedding ring on her finger was a constant, yet painful, reminder, but she couldn't bring herself to take it off.

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