( 008 ) eight!

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everyone in school knew about finn and y/n's hatred towards one another. the feud was kind of infamous among all students. it all started in the seventh grade when finn decided to trip y/n in the hallway. he saw it as a joke and at first she did too, but each prank got less and less friendly and more and more competitive. soon enough, they hated each others gut. the two insulted each other every chance they got and shot death glares at the other.

going into high school, y/n had hoped that she would finally be away from finn. but on the first day, she walked into first period, and there he was. finn had looked over and scoffed, rolling his eyes. y/n had glared at him, and sat in the seat furthest from him.

only now, halfway through the first semester, y/n is getting tired of their feud. she's trying to focus on school, but finn keeps bugging her in class. he throws things at her, like erasers or paper balls. she justs wants him to leave her alone, and she'd leave him alone as well.

at lunch, y/n sits with her friends, sadie, lilia, and millie. she met millie in elementary school, along with lilia. sadie and y/n have known each other for the longest time, seeing as they live in the same neighborhood. y/n zones out as her friends talk about a new movie they want to go see.

"y/n? y/nnn? Y/N!" the girl snaps back to reality as millie yells her name.

"sorry, what were you guys saying?" sadie squinted at her, and turned around.

"what were you looking at?"

"nothing," y/n says. lilia gasps. all the girls focus on her.

"you were staring at finn!" y/n blushes.

"n-no, i was not!" she stammers, her face a red mess. under their intense gazes, her face flushes even more. "ok, ok, i may or may not have been zoning out and my gaze just happened to land on him. you have to admit, though, he got hot over the summer." lilia giggles.

"you guys would be cute together," sadie confesses. millie rolls her eyes.

"hell-o!" millie says, snapping her fingers. "doesn't anyone remember how he hates y/n's guts?" y/n frowned, remembering the small detail that wasn't so small.

"well, i think they're still cute!" sadie said. the rest of their lunch was full of idle talk and then the bell rang, and off to class they went.

y/n had this class with finn, as well. biology was pretty stressful and midterms were coming up. y/n was extremely stressed and tried to cram in studying whenever she could. she's nearly had two panic attacks and definitely was not going to focus on finn when important tests were coming closer with each day.

in biology, finn kept flicking things at y/n, who tried hard to ignore him. after the fourth or fifth time, she calmly turned around and politely said, "finn, i really can't do this right now. please leave me alone." he, of course, ignored that.

as the teacher gave more and more information and work, y/n felt panic bubbling up inside her, and tears pooled in her eyes. she ran out of the classroom, on the verge of another panic attack. she ran into the bathroom, and onto a stall. she didn't have the strength to lock the door. thankfully, it was empty. she felt her chest closing up, and she couldn't breathe. she heard footsteps, and she tried not to draw attention to herself.

"y/n?" the person said. y/n knew that voice well. finn.

"in here," she gasped out, trying to draw breath.

"y/n! are you ok?" his voice was filled with worry. she managed to shake her head no, and he crouched down next to her.

"w-what do i do?" he panicked.

"i c-can't breathe! i'm trying to hold my breath but it's n-not working!"

"try to think about something happy! like friends, or family! you like to read, how about your perfect grades in school." seeing the look you give him, he adds, "shit, not that!" he struggled to think of anything else to do, until he remembered a piece of information he was given a couple of years ago, in case something like this ever happened. "y/n! hold your breath!" she tried and failed, growing even more panicked by the second. finn decided to take drastic measures.

he placed his lips on hers and she gasped. after a couple seconds, she kissed back, and then her pulled away. y/n was ok again.

"what was that?" she asked, flustered.

"i read somewhere that holding your breath could stop a panic attack," he said slowly, his eyes not leaving hers. "so, when i kissed you, you held your breath."

"i did?" y/n said

finn smiled. "yeah, you did." the girl tentatively hugged him, and he wrapped his arms around her.

"wait," the h/c haired girl said. "i thought you hated me. why would you help me?"

"i may not hate you as much any more," finn mumbled. y/n hesitantly smiled.

"i don't hate you either."

"then i guess it's safe to say that the kiss wasn't just to help you. i really like you, y/n."

"i really like you, too. would you...like to go see a movie or something sometime?" finn nodded, smiling.

"i'd love that."

hey my lovelies! sorry for not updating, it's been a busy week rip. hope you liked this one :). oof the panic attack part was a teen wolf reference(one of my faves). if you think that i did this wrong regarding the panic attack please message me so i can fix it. i don't want to offend anyone. you can also message me to request, i'm lowkey running out of ideas smh. love y'all 

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