( 011 ) eleven!

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requested by frogface_finnie! thank you!


age 18

"finn!" you shrieked, startling the boy who was relaxing on your mother's couch. you had an envelope in your hand. the words were printed neatly on the front but you only saw the name 'harvard'. he joined you at the counter in the kitchen and you thrust the letter at him. "open it! i can't read it, i know they rejected me!"

"y/n, breathe," finn soothed. "they wouldn't reject you, you're too smart." a million years seemed to pass as you watched him open your letter. he quickly scans it and his face breaks out into a smile. "you got in, babe." you screamed, jumping up and down. finn winced, and you were probably disturbing your neighbors, but you didn't care. harvard had been your dream school since you were in middle school. you immediately grabbed your phone and called all of your relatives and close friends. you didn't notice how finn sighed or how he set the letter on the counter, folded up once more.

the night of graduation rolled around, and once the ceremony was over, you invited your best friends and boy friend, of course, over to your house for a celebration. you hung out with everyone and finn stayed after all your friends left. the two of you sat on the couch and cuddled, holding hands and stealing kisses. "can i tell you something?" finn asked hesitantly.

"of course, baby. anything."

"i don't want you to leave," he whispered, looking scared.

"well, i'm going, so deal with it!" you joked, before seeing his face. "wait...are you serious?"

"yeah, i don't want you to go to college."

"what? but-" you cut yourself off, unable to find words.

"y/n, we'll never get to see each other. i'm leaving to film a few days before you leave. i'll be in scotland and the timezones will be all messed up. when i am able to talk to you, you can't because you'll be in class or asleep. when you're able to talk to me, i'll be on set or asleep. if you just didn't go-"

"are you even listening to yourself?" you stood up and faced him. "i've wanted to go to this school since i was 12 fucking years old! and now you're telling me not to go to my dream college? finn, that's like me telling you to quit acting, or to quit calpurnia, and i'd never do that! i know it's too important to you." finn was quiet.

"i just don't want you to leave me."

"this can't just be all about you!" you exclaim, now pacing. "this is for me! i need a degree to get a nice job to bring in money so i can support myself. i'm not just gonna sit around and wait for you to come home."

"i'm sorry, ok?" he snaps, putting his head in his hands. you sighed, ran your hands through your hair, and sat back down next to him.

"finn, i'm not dropping this opportunity, ok?"

"what's going to happen to us?" he asked, softly.

"i don't know," you said, kissing him. "but it'll work out."


age 22

spoiler alert: it didn't work out. after going away to college, you saw finn once in a blue moon. you saw him the first year for christmas, but the day after, you guys had a terrible argument (you couldn't even remember what it was about, to be honest) and the two of you unconsciously broke it off, never speaking again. you'd dated a couple of other guys during your college years, but it never lasted. you just kept comparing them to finn, no matter how badly you felt.

you had graduated college a couple of months ago, and you were currently working at a local cafe, waiting to hear back from the business who had held your job interview a week ago.

it was a monday afternoon, which meant business was slow. the bell above the door dinged, signaling a new customer. you looked at the person across the counter and you knew who it was immediately. you could never forget him. "finn."

"y/n." finn looked surprised. "what are you doing here?"

"um...working?" he laughed and your heart ached at the sweet sound you had missed.

"that's not what i meant. i mean, why are you working here? i thought you'd be some big shot by now."

"haha," you said dryly. "i'm just making money until i can get a proper job. i just applied for one and i'm somehow managing." you gave him a small smile, then remembered where you were. "oh! can i get you anything?"

"uh, yeah can i get a water, and-"

"oh my god, did you come all this way to get a damn water?"

"no, now shut up and let me order. i also want a scone."

"but you hate scones," you said as you typed it in the cash register. "$2.35, please."

he paid and said, "yeah, but you love them and i was hoping you would sit with me?" he said it like a question.

you got his water, gently pulled a scone ot of the case and joined him at a booth.

"y'know," you said, making conversation. "i've never missed one of your movies."

"really? i thought that you'd ignore them altogether." you shook your head.

"i missed you too much," you confessed. "i had this crazy idea that seeing your movies would bring you back to me somehow." you laughed, and took a bite of your scone. "i guess it worked."

"i regret everything i said that day," finn said and he held one of your hands. "i didn't mean it, i was just mad, and i wish it didn't happen."

"i missed you so much. i dated other guys, but i kept comparing them to you and i hated myself for it because i thought we'd never see each other again but i did it anyways, so i was always the one to end it."

"i dated one other girl, but she was annoying as hell and turned out to be a crazy fan so..." you laugh.

"how are you here with no one else following you, anyways?" he rolled his eyes and dodged the question.

"y/n...since we both miss each other...do you think we could give this another try?" he motioned to you and then himself. "i never stopped loving you. it killed me not being able to talk to you everyday."

"i feel the same. but what if it doesn't work out again?" you said.

"don't worry," he said. "it will. i have a good feeling about this time. it will work out." and spoiler alert: it did.

all of these are unedited yikes. aLso i have decided to not make a part 2 to do you love me, sorry to those who wanted it :(

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