( 029 ) twenty-nine! { r. tozier }

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the walk home was quiet. blood, dirt, and sewer water covered y/n's body, making her clothes uncomfortable as she held her bike alongside her, not having the energy to actually ride it. the clown was gone, and her friends were alive, thank god. richie, y/n's best friend out of everybody, glanced at her every so often, to make sure she was alright. the loser's club dispersed, beverly and stan leaving the group first, since their neighborhoods were closer. one, by one, the tiny group of friends grew smaller, not bothering to say goodbye; they hadn't said anything in a while. richie and y/n were soon the only ones left, having lived next door to each other for many years. y/n opened her mouth and broke the silence. "can i stay with you?" she mumbled. richie looked at her, his doe eyes widening. "i-i don't want to be alone right now," she continued, her face warming up. or ever again, thought to herself.

richie swallowed and adjusted his large glasses. "y-yeah, sure. i'm scared of being alone, too." y/n gave him a faint smile, and they parked their bikes in richie's garage. y/n asked if she could shower; the smell was getting to her. richie said she could and promised to give her some of his clothes to sleep in. once inside, the two snuck past richie's parents room. the floorboards squeaked under y/n's foot and she froze, but not a sound came from behind the closed door. richie's room wasn't small, but it wasn't exactly huge. it was cozy and kind of messy. richie's face turned red as he hurried to tidy up a bit, which brought a real smile to your face. he handed you a sweatshirt and some sweatpants. you locked yourself in the bathroom and waited for the water to heaten up. 

once in thee shower, y/n closed her eyes as the hot water enveloped her. that turned out to be a problem because every time she closed her eyes she saw it. the way it nearly killed them, the way it had bill in it's arms, the way it had transformed into her worst fear. neibolt had been the worst experience of her life and she was sure that she'd never forget it. she quickly bathed, because she felt as though she were hearing things that had not been there before. putting on richie's clothes made her feel safe, richie made her feel safe. sneaking back to richie's room, she saw that his hair was dripping wet. 

"i used my parents bathroom," he grinned, as if the events from earlier had never happened. "i knew they were hoarding the good shit."

"you really consider soap the 'good shit'?" y/n said, rolling her eyes.

"only if it's lavender," he shot back. silence fell between them once more and y/n's smile slid off her face. 

"i'm tired, richie. where can i sleep?" the girl asked.

"oh, uh, you can take the bed, and i'll sleep on the couch downstairs."

"richie, no," you protested. "this is your house, you shouldn't have to sleep on the couch."

"yeah, well, you're the guest, so you take the bed."

y/n awkwardly stood for a moment, and then said, "o-or we could both...take the bed." richie's eyes widened, and y/n stumbled over her words. "actually, never mind, yeah, it'd be weird, it was just a thought-"

"i don't mind," richie whispered. y/n stared at him in shock, but recovered fairly quickly. 

"o-okay, good, great, cool cool cool." richie gave her a cute smile that her heart fluttered at. the two climbed into his bed. 

"do you want the light on or off?" he asked his best friend. 

"i don't care," she said. "but, don't leave me please."

"of course not," he promised, and as y/n snuggled close to him, he vowed to never let anything harm her ever.


hey my thots, i once again got this idea from tumblr. i kinda like this one and the video at the top is really good, i like the song and the actual edit. enjoy!!

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