( another blurb )

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im working on another couple of chapters so hopefully this will satisfy for now :)

you and finn were on the roof of your house, star gazing. "look," you said, pointing up at the sky. "that one is ursa major." you felt eyes on you, and when you looked over at finn, you noticed how he was ignoring your finger pointing to the sky, and was staring at you instead. your face heated up. "why are you staring at me like that?" he blushed.

"n-no reason," he stammered. he directed his gaze back to the night sky, and sighed.

"what's wrong?" you ask.

he shrugs and doesn't respond. "it's very beautiful out there."

you give him a sideways look, and pretend you didn't notice. "yeah, it is. it's also very big out there, with dozens of other galaxies and planets and billions more stars! i love learning about space, it's not very simple, but it's interesting." you saw finn staring at you again, this time in an admiring way. "you're doing it again."

"i'm sorry, it's just, you're really pretty." your face flushes at his compliment.

"oh, t-thank you." you're suddenly aware of how close the two of you are. you've like finn, your best friend, for a while now, and you've been sure that he didn't feel the same. you gazed back up at the stars again and tried not to think about his shoulder brushing yours.

"a shooting star!" you cried, sitting up abruptly. "quick, make a wish!" finn closes his eyes for a second, then opens them again. "what did you wish for?"

"can't tell you," he replied smugly, then sat up as well. "it won't come true."

"c'mon, please?" you begged him. "i'm sure it will come true anyways." he gave you a long, hard look. leaning forward, he got close to your ear and whispered, "really wanna know?" you swallowed, and nodded. finn pulled back a little, and then pressed his mouth to yours.

your eyes widened, then closed. after a few seconds, you leaned into the kiss. he pulled away first. "you were my wish," he told you. "i really like you, y/n."

"i really like you, too, finn." he took hold of your hand, and you both laid back, continuing to watch the night sky. your tiny giggle caught his attention.

"what's so funny?" he asked.

you smirked at him. "told you your wish would come true."

airplanes  ❪ FINN WOLFHARD IMAGINES ❫Where stories live. Discover now