( 023 ) twenty-three!

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requested by 1-800-BITCHIN (bro okay i was so happy abt this bc you're like one of my fave wattpad authors ever??? and you read my crappy writing???? ily)

finn's head was pounding. his eyes were already closed, but he squeezed them shut even more, as if that would get rid of his horrid headache. he felt gentle fingers, brushing the damp hair plastered to his forehead away from his eyes. he groaned, and shifted slightly. the gentle hands were firm as they pushed him back. a soft voice shushed him and whispered, "try not to move so much."

finn couldn't recognize the person speaking, but the voice was soothing. he assumed it was woman, for the men in his village had gruff, loud voices.

finn attempted to open his eyes, but the sun was very blinding. as he tried once more to sit up, he heard and sigh and seconds later, the same gentle hands helped him up. the pounding in his head increased and he clutched it with one hand. he successfully managed to open his eyes once more. he was startled to see a girl's face inches away from his own. he let out a shout and scrambled away from her. she winced at the loud sound, and looked down at her hands.

"who- who are you?" finn asked shakily. "where am i?"

the girl gave him a faint smile. "my name is y/n. you are on the shores of your village. last night, there was an awful storm. your ship, it crashed. i was the only one around, and i almost didn't save you. there are no other survivors. i'm sorry."

finn had a million questions. "what do you mean you were the only one arou-?" he cut himself off once he saw the place where her legs should've been. he gasped as he realized that she was a mermaid. a mermaid who had saved his life. y/n opened her mouth to say something, but at that moment, shouts could be heard from farther down the shore.

"i should go," she said abruptly and turned to crawl back to the water.

"wait!" finn cried. the mermaid paused, but didn't turn back around. "i want to get to know you. meet me here tonight? midnight?"

"don't be late" was her curt reply and she lunged into the water. moments later, a few of finn's friends, noah and caleb, came running over to him.

"finn!" caleb exclaimed. "are you alright?"

finn stared out at the water where y/n had just disappeared. "what? oh yeah, i'm okay, i guess."

"dude, there was a huge storm last night," noah informed his friend. "you're lucky you're still alive."

"we've been looking on the beach for hours to see if anything, or anyone, was washed up," caleb continued, panting from their run. "your mother is out of her mind with worry and grief. we gotta get you home." noah and caleb hoisted their friend up off the sand and the three staggered back home.

when finn's friends helped him into his home, his mother heaved the biggest sigh of relief and gathered him in a bone crushing hug, the rest of the family joining in. noah and caleb bid their friend goodbye, but as they turned to leave, mary stopped them and pressed a large coin into each boy's hand. their eyes grew large the money and tried to give it back, but mrs. wolfhard refused.

"you've done us an immense favour," she said.

caleb shrugged. "it's what friends do." but in the end, they took the money and left.

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