( 017 ) seventeen! ( part one )

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requested by joannaisameme! enjoy!

now, unlike most cliche stories, finn rather enjoyed being a prince. he got to do many things that ordinary people could only dream of, such as meet many new people and travel to exciting far away places. the training to be king for when his older brother, nick, either died or stepped down was tiring, but finn enjoyed his studies. he liked his people and he liked his kingdom. this was the life anyone would ask for.

finn only hated one thing: arranged marriages. the boy wished that one day he would marry for love. his parents were lucky, they had an arranged marriage, but it was love at first sight. the young prince understood the point of the marriages- to unite two kingdoms in hopes for trade and allies- but he wished things were different.

nick was to be married to a princess of a nearby kingdom, and finn knew that nick only agreed because he had no other choice. a few of finn's friends had been lucky. the duke's son, jaeden, had met princess lilia at a ball, and the two had fallen in love, before their parent's agreement. chosen, the crown prince of a neighboring kingdom, had been introduced to one of the noble's daughters, emily, and thus, they're to be married in a few years time. finn was almost sad that he didn't meet her first- she was an amazing girl. (let me have my freaking moment)

on this day, finn and his parents were to travel to a kingdom to discuss marriage for king edward and queen julia's daughter, christina, who was finn's age. the journey would take three days. they would stay for a week, and take three more days to return home. luckily, this was giving nick practice of being king.

the ride there was rather uneventful. finn read his history books, fascinated at all the names, and wars.

once there, finn and his parents were escorted in and lead to their rooms. the servant informed them that they would have time of their own, until supper, which began in a little over two hours.

finn immediately began to explore, wandering down the corridors and marveling at the elaborate tapestries.

the boy was searching for the library, and staring at more tapestries, when he bumped into someone. "oh!" the person gasped, as the tray they had in their hands fell to the floor with a loud crash. glass and tea spilled everywhere and the girl, finn noticed, dropped to floor immediately, picking up the larger pieces.

"i am so sorry!" he stammered, leaning down to help clean up. they placed the large pieces of broken glass onto the silver tray. the girl briskly walked away, returning moments later, with a broom and cloth in her hands. she silently swept up the smaller fragments and then mopped up the tea, whilst finn watched on awkwardly.

"was that for someone?" finn blurted, then mentally cursed himself for asking such a dumb question. the girl shot a piercing look at him.

"yes, for my mistress, princess christina."

"i feel even worse, is there anything i can do to help?" she shook her head, and stood, carrying the tray. "at least tell me your name?" that had nothing to do with anything, but finn had noticed she was beautiful, with her sparkling e/c eyes, and her h/c hair pulled back into a tight bun.

"y/n, but i'm nobody," she sighed.

"oh, well you're not nobody to me," he smiled. "i'm finn."

"hmm, that name sounds familiar," y/n mused, then her eyes widened. "you- finn- i mean, her majesty has spoken very highly of you," she said, nervously, then curtsied to the best of her ability with the silver tray still in her grasp. "i should go, your highness, my princess is expecting her tea." the girl nervously hurried away, in the direction she had come, leaving finn alone.

finn wandered for a little while longer, and managed to find his room minutes later, in order to get ready for supper.

a servant came to collect him, and when he arrived, the adults and the young princess were already waiting. finn's face felt hit, as he realized that they had refrained from eating while waiting on him. the kings and queens made pleasant small talk while finn and christina listened awkwardly, not speaking to anyone.

when the appetizers were served, finn noticed y/n was helping serve them. he made eye contact with her, but she quickly broke it, cheeks flushing. christina tried to engage him in conversation a few times, but he wasn't into it very much, not with the naturally beautiful girl in the same room distracting him. christina was stunning, no doubt, but he noticed the amount of make-up she wore. everything about her was flawless, but finn wasn't very impressed.

after the tension-filled dinner, finn hung back, while everyone went to their own chambers. he hoped to catch y/n alone. she came out seconds later and began to clean, purposefully ignoring finn. he cleared his throat and she turned, her jaw set.

"is there anything you need, sire?" she asked, bowing her head a little.

"i just wanted to formally apologize for what happened earlier today," he began awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "i've never really been that careless before."

the corner of y/n's lips tugged up into what could've been a smile. "i suppose you were incredibly graceful as a child, as well?" finn's cheeks burned, but he gave a slight laugh. y/n's smile drops almost immediately and she resumes her cleaning. finn's laughter stops and he stares at her, confused.

"did i do something wrong?" he asks. y/n doesn't respond right away.

"don't," she says. "don't do that."

"do wha-"

"that. be all charming, and caring, and utterly irresistible. it will make me think that you care about me and that i actually have a shot, but i don't. i'm just a servant girl, assigned to the princess, your future bride." she goes to walk away, but finn gently grabs her elbow. when their eyes meet, he sees the unbearable amount of sadness, as if everyone she's loved had left her. that much pain in her gaze causes finn to release her. he nodded and mumbled something unintelligible, before backing away. the prince rushed back to his room, taking a few wrong turns. finn barged into his temporary room and changed into night clothes.

it only took a few minutes to realize that finn would not fall asleep anytime soon. everytime he closed his eyes, y/n's face flashed through his mind, and he wondered what had happened to the girl to make her feel that much pain. she intrigued him. hours later, as finn finally began to drift off, he realized that he had found his love, and it wasn't christina.


oh look, im alive. i'm making this request into 2 parts bc it's long and im a lazy hoe :) love y'all

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