( 006 ) six! ( part two )

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in the days that followed the arcade trip, jaeden couldn't understand why y/n was avoiding him. he had begun to realize that she had gotten more and more distant ever since lilia and him had started going out. if the two, y/n and jaeden, that is, were in a room alone together (which wasn't often; everyone was very careful and made sure to avoid that), she would go on her phone. if he asked her a question, she'd give him short, one-worded responses or ignore him completely. if the group was all together, she'd be her usual joking self, laughing with finn and the others. y/n just wouldn't pay him a speck of attention. jaeden decided to go to finn with his problems.

while jaeden was deciding on what to say to finn as he skateboarded over, the girl in question was being discussed by millie, sophia, and sadie. lilia was out with maddie, and jacob was staying out of his girlfriend's way, just in case she got angry. y/n was with wyatt, playing video games and making youtube videos.

millie filled her friends in on what was happening with y/n, finn, and jaeden. sophia and sadie had already begun to ship you and finn, and this just fueled the flames.

"we have to help them!" sadie squealed.

"obviously! finn already confessed his feelings to me and jacob," millie explained. "we'll have to do it discreetly. what do you think, soph?" the girl's turned to look at sophia. she squirmed under their gazes.

"i don't know, guys," she confessed. "it sounds like this should be left alone. i think we should just let it play out on its own. we'll go visit finn later to see how he's doing though, ok?" sadie and millie nodded, somewhat upset at their friend's lack of enthusiasm.

across the street, jaeden had just arrived at finn's house. he walked into the wolfhard's house, not bothering to knock, they were close enough friends. he found finn laying on his bed, game controller in his hand, his eyes fixated on the t.v. in front of him. "hey, man," finn said without looking away.

"can we talk?" jaeden said nervously. "it's about y/n." finn looked away from his game for a second and his player was killed. finn cursed loudly and jumped up to pause his game.

"what about y/n?" finn asked, as he gestured to jaeden to come over to sit on his unmade bed.

"why does she hate me?"

"she doesn't hate you," finn mumbled.

"then why does she never talk to me, or even look at me?" he said, waving his hands. "i don't know what i did wrong!"

"it's not just you!" finn snapped. he took a deep breath, trying to reel in his emotions. "it's lilia, too. don't get me wrong- we all like her, it's just y/n likes you. more than a friend would. but you're too blind to see it because you're wrapped up in lilia's presence!"

jaeden blinked, trying to process this information. "wait," he said, eyebrows knitting together. "does y/n like lilia?

finn groaned and fell back onto his pillow. "that wasn't what you were supposed to focus on." distantly, the boys heard the front door open and slam shut. a minute later, y/n entered the room. she froze and the room was filled with awkward silence when she saw jaeden.

"y/n," jaeden said gently. y/n's jaw set as she prepared herself for whatever jaeden had to say. "y/n, i'm so sorry. i don't feel that way about you and i think you know it. you know how i feel about lilia. i really wish this didn't have to happen." he gave y/n a quick hug and left the room.

y/n had tears in her eyes, which made them glisten in a sad sort of way. they threatened to spill over, but she wouldn't let them. not while he was still in the house. the door was closed, and the girl broke down. finn guided her to his bed. she rested her head on his shoulder and sobbed. "why do i always fall for the one person who's least likely to love me back?" finn rubbed her back and the broken girl sniffed. "i always fall for the wrong people and i hate it." she wiped her tears away.

"don't worry, y/n. you're beautiful, smart, funny, kind...you'll find the perfect person one day. i promise." both of their cheeks turn pink at finn's words.

"do you really think that?" y/n said quietly.

"yeah," finn said without hesitation. "i really do." he then kissed her, and y/n couldn't think of anything wrong about this. all she knew was that she'd somehow fallen for this boy. under all of her feelings for jaeden, there were some for finn. she felt as though this was the right choice and it was. finn would try to give her everything and more. in this moment, and in the moments after, y/n was happy.

oof that took so long to write smh. so i heard a sad song today so prepare for a sad imagine! the next couple imagines may be sad lol. but yeAh i'm on the way to walmart rn so rip. remember i love you all! and requests are still open, i'm low-key running out of ideas 

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