( 022 ) twenty-two! { tyler }

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"hey, y/n," y/f/n said looking over at you. "guess what?"

"what?" you answer absentmindedly, not paying her much attention as you focused on the video you were watching. she was perched on your bed and you were laying on the floor, as you liked to do once in a while.

"i'm hungry," she complained.

"that's wonderful," you said sarcastically, and she rolled her eyes at you.

"i'm serious, you slut. get me food!" she tossed a pillow from off your bed at you and it hit you in the face. you and her giggled together at her aim and you threw it back at her, not caring if the pillow made is way back to the bed or not. your dog lifted her head from where it had been perched on her paws to watch the object soar through the air, but she must've decided it wasn't worth chasing because she laid her head back down.

"this isn't my house," she pointed out. "therefore, it is your responsibility to feed me." you huff, not wanting to agree with her logic, but you knew she was right.

"fine," you sighed, and turned your phone off. "i'll ask my mom if we can order pizza." the two of you wandered into the living room and worked your charm on your mother, who caved in and told you to order it on the laptop.

while filling out a form, there was a box asking for any other specific details. y/f/n squealed and laughed, "oh my god, tell them to send their cutest delivery guy!"

the two of you erupted in laughter and when you didn't immediately start pressing on the keys, she leaned over your shoulder and typed in her request.

"don't actually send it!" you chortled, laughing even harder when she clicked 'send order'. "they'll think we're insane!"

y/f/n shrugged, her giggles fading away. "my older sister did it one time a while back and she's now a side hoe, so you never know."

"wow, imagine being a side hoe, i'd kill for that," you say dryly, winking at her and giving her finger guns when she rolled her eyes at you.

about twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang and you and y/f/n dashed to the door to see if the pizza place had followed through with their order.

"i can't do it!" y/f/n hissed, pushing you towards the door. "besides, you live here! answer it!" the doorbell rang once more and your dog came running, giving short, sharp barks at the person on the other side of the door. you opened the door and saw that they had in fact sent their cutest delivery boy.

you blushed as you took in his features and his cheeks turned pink as he remembered the instructions he was given. "uh, here's the pizza you ordered. (insert favourite toppings), right?"

"y-yeah," you saif and took the pizza box. smooth, y/n, you scolded yourself. "let me get my money." you turned to leave, but y/f/n stopped you and whispered, "i'll get your money, go and chat with him!" she winked and disappeared into your room.

your cheeks burned as you turned back to the boy. "hi, again. i'm y/n."

"i'm tyler," the boy said, and you nearly melted at the sound of his voice. "did i fulfill your requirements? do you think i'm a cute delivery boy?"

you felt like crawling into a hole for the next hundred years as you struggled to form a sentence. "i'm really- i don't- sorry- my friend, she- she wrote that and sent it before i could stop her," you finished lamely, wanting to vanish here and now. he laughed and the sound was magical.

"it's okay," he assured you. "i'm glad i came, i got to meet the cutest customer." you beamed at his compliment, and stared at him shyly, though he didn't seem to mind.

"here we go!" y/f/n announced, rejoining you once more. she slapped twenty dollars in his hand. "you can keep the change."

"what took you so long?" you quietly yelled at her.

"couldn't find your wallet," she muttered back.

"thank you for coming, tyler," you smiled at him. "it was nice meeting you."

"no problem, but before i go, you didn't answer my question." you looked at him quizzically until he continued. "am i the cutest delivery boy you've ever had?"

"the cutest," you respond, not sure if he's messing with you or not. he smiled, and then said, "i expect to be stopping by here with another pizza soon. this time, i'll bring my phone." he winked at you and with that, he turned and walked off you porch.

your face felt unnaturally hot as you stood there, trying to process what exactly happened just then. y/f/n yanked the pizza out of your hand and dragged you into the kitchen. "you may be in love, but i'm still fucking hungry."


hEY GUYS! ugh i am so so so sorry for not updating. i p r o m i s e i'll try and update soon.

i saw dog days today and it was honestly amazing. i actually slapped my younger sister when finn came on the screen, i was so happy. ugh the entire movie was brilliant.

love all of you!!!

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