( 017 ) seventeen! ( part two )

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i'm back!! i love all of you sm and i couldn't stay away!! thank you all so much for your support, it means the world.

y/n's mind flashed back to a few nights before, when she sought out her mistress.

the servant girl knocked at the door, opening it when she heard the princess call out, "enter." christina was sitting up in bed, reading a rather large book. her delicate, dark-skinned hands gently turned each page. y/n curtsied and placed the new, slightly hot cup of tea on the stand next to the bed. she added two cubes of sugar, and a swirl of cream, just the way christina liked it. she placed the spoon on the saucer and curtsied once more, preparing to exit. christina stopped her by placing a hand on the girl's.

"y/n," she murmured.

"yes, my princess?"

"i-i don't say this often, but thank you." y/n blinked, shocked at her words. "y/n, you are my greatest friend, not those snobby noble girls. you treat me with kindness and we have wonderful talks. thank you for being here with me all these years. without you, i might've gone insane..." her voice trailed off, as she sunk deep into thought. y/n stood there awkwardly, not sure whether to leave or not. "if there's anything you ever need from me," the princess suddenly said, "do not hesitate to ask." y/n gave her majesty a large smile and turned to leave. her hand was on the door handle when she stopped and turned, her ragged skirts swishing at the ankles.

"actually, um, your majesty, i would like to ask for one thing, if it isn't too much." christina marked her place in her book and set it aside, patting an empty space next to her. y/n approached her once more and awkwardly perched on the edge of the bed. "well, i've never officially been to a ball before. i mean, one where i wasn't working. and there is going to be one in a few days time, announcing your engagement to prince finn," she explained, her breath hitching at 'prince finn'.

christina beamed. "done! y/n y/l/n, you are hereby allowed to accompany me to the royal engagement ball!" y/n let out a tiny squeal and, in a complete moment of giddiness, threw her arms around the girl. christina seemed shocked for a moment, but returned the hug. the girls released each other, and y/n regained her composure.

"see you in the morning, your highness. have wonderful dreams."

within the next days, y/n threw herself into helping with the ball preparations, hoping to prove to christina that she deserved to go...and maybe she was avoiding a certain prince who liked wander. there were any things to do, choose the music and all of the food that will be served, and then making the food. there were seating arrangements to be planned for the feast afterwords, although many of the guests would have left by then. the feast was for close friends. y/n didn't see finn the entire time, and by the end of the day she was extremely exhausted from running around the castle all day.

on the night of the ball, y/n rushed to christina's room extra early to help get her ready. next to the princesses bed were two lovely, extravagant ball gowns. one was pink, with flowers on it.

(here's what i imagined it as,,,i'm not good at describing dresses)

(here's what i imagined it as,,,i'm not good at describing dresses)

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