( 010 ) ten! { m. wheeler }

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first mike one! feel free to request for mike or richie! w/y/l means where you live

it was your first day at hawkins middle. you just moved here from w/y/l to indiana. your dad got a new job opportunity as a scientist in a place called hawkins lab, or something like that. you had finished unpacking yesterday and you had gone out to meet your neighbors.

you were right across the street from a kid named lucas sinclair and he is your age. he told you that one of his best friends, mike, lived right next door. lucas told me about his other friends, dustin, will, and a girl named el. he said that she was gone now, so you assumed that meant that she moved away. you wanted to meet mike right then, but lucas said that mike needed to be alone. you wondered why, but you weren't going to pry. it was none of your business.

so, on the first day, your mom dropped you off at school. you didn't know the way and lucas must've already left. she blew you a kiss and drove off. you looked around, and ran up to lucas once you spotted him.

"hi!" you said, happy to recognize someone.

"hey y/n!" lucas said, giving you a one-armed hug. "y/n, this is mike, dustin, and will." he pointed at each boy individually and they waved. "guys, this is the girl i met yesterday."

"hi, y/n!" dustin smiled at you, and you returned the smile. he seemed really nice. will smiled shyly at you. mike didn't do anything, he just stared at you. it made you uncomfortable, but you thought he was cute.

"i need to go get my schedule," you tell them. "can one of you help me find the office?"

"i'll go," you hear will's soft voice say. you nodded and smiled. the walk there was quiet and awkward.

"so how long have you lived in hawkins?" you ask trying to make conversation. "it's so small, i bet you know everyone here."

"not really, but everyone knows me." before you could ask what that meant, he moved on. "i've lived here my whole life. same with lucas and mike, they've been next door neighbors since we were all three. dustin moved here in the fourth grade, though. we've all been friends since."

"so what's there to do at this school? and who's the best teacher? knowing my luck, i'll get the worst one." to your surprise, will gave you a tiny laugh.

"the four of us are in the a.v. club. and mr. clark is by far the best. he teaches science." the two of you chatted the rest of the way, and on the way back. at one point, he said, "y'know, you're the first person not to call me zombie boy, other than my friends. do you not thunk what happened was weird?"

"what?" you had no clue what he was saying. will paled and stuttered his words.

"w-what? i-i didn't say- j-just forget it." he quickly changed the subject and you almost forgot all about it. almost.

after school, your mom drove you home, since you didn't have your bike, and went back to work. you quickly finished homework and went over to lucas'. you rang the doorbell and a little girl answered.

"who are you?" she said rudely.

"i'm y/n. i just moved here. is lucas home?"

the girl snickered. "why would a girl want to see him? he's a loser." you tried to contain your smile.

"i just wanted to hang out. he's my first friend."

"he's over at his stupid friends house right there." she pointed at the house next to them. you thanked her and she slammed the door. you giggled to yourself as you walked over to mike's house.

when you knocked on the door, there was a loud thumping and you thought of elephants thundering up the stairs. the door opened widely, it was mike.

"h-hey, y/n," he blushed. "come on in." he led you to the basement where dustin, lucas, and will were sitting. a huge board sat on the table with figures on it. "hey, y/n!" dustin grinned.

"what are you guys doing?" you ask curiously.

"playing d and d," lucas explains.

"cool, oh, and lucas, who was that little girl at your house?" you laugh to yourself again. "she was lively."

lucas rolls his eyes. "that was erica, my sister. don't worry, she's rude to everyone."

now that you were here, dungeons and dragons had been forgotten. the five of you joked around and you caught mike staring at you a lot. will whispered to you, "he likes you." and you blushed, glancing over at mike. he was more than cute and he was smart, and funny, and nice. but the more you got to know him, the more sad he seemed. it was as though he had lost someone important to him. you just couldn't figure it out.

after a while you excused yourself to use the restroom. when you were done, you heard whispered voices. if you crouched down low enough, but still remain unseen, you could hear every word.

"i think we should let her join the party." that was lucas. you could hear dustin agreeing, and you smiled. you were just about to exit your hiding place and rejoin the boys when you heard mike disagree.

"we can't just let random strangers join the party!"

"look who's talking!" lucas exclaimed. "at least we got to know her first and i asked you guys before letting her join! remember eleven?"

"leave el out of this." it sounded like mike was gritting his teeth.

"c'mon, guys, don't fight." you knew will's soft voice anywhere.

"do we have to do this right no" dustin said with his lisp that you loved. "she's in the house right now!" neither lucas nor mike seemed to have heard him.

"you don't want her in because you like her and you want her to see how much of a loser you really are!"

"shut up! that's not true!"

"then why don't you want her in?"

"because we don't know her! and she most certainly does not know us!"

"again, remember el?" you decided to get down there before things got ugly. will looked at you, frozen as you came down the stairs. dustin made sure that his two friends weren't going to physically fight each other again and glanced at you. mike had the decency to look ashamed. lucas just looked angry.

"y/n, we can explain-," will started, but you cut him off.

"good, because i have a lot of questions. the biggest ones, though, are: who is el, what happened to her, and what exactly happened in this town?" the party, as they called themselves, glanced around at each other.

"you'd better get comfortable, y/n," dustin told you. "it's a long story."

ok not a whole lot of mike x reader but oh well. how come lucas and mike only fight when it comes to girls rip. sorryy i haven't been updating, school is killing me slowly. THANKS SO SO MUCH FOR 2K ILYGSM!!! feel free to request ;) also make sure to watch the vid at the top u won't regret i promise 

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