Chapter 3

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After breakfast I lead Peeta down towards the woods. I feel like the world has been lifted off my shoulders and I have that same blissful feeling I had for a short time on the beach in the quarter quell arena after Peeta and I first kissed.

Peeta is still slightly shocked over the events of last night but I still catch him smiling to himself from time to time.
We continue on across the meadow and on through the the woods until we reach the lake with the derelict concrete house along side it. Peeta stops and stare's at the view, amazed at its size and beauty. I keep forgetting that he's never seen anything like this.

"Glad you didn't go to work today?" I ask.

"I cant believe it, it' beautiful" he gasps.

I take his hand and lead him into the old concrete house, He looks around taking in the smell of dampness and burnt wood.

"How did you find this place?" he asks

"My father brought me here when I was little, some of the happiest memories of my Dad are from here, around the lake, hunting, learning to swim. I wanted to show it to you, this place is special to me, as you are. I Love you Peeta".

I look down at my feet, I cant believe I actually said it, it just......came out! I feel strange and I can feel my cheeks starting to blush when he walks over, places his hand under my chin raising my head so he can look straight into my eyes. He's grinning like a drunk school boy.

"What?" I ask.

"If only you could know how long I've waited for you to say that."

He kisses my forehead, "I've loved you for as long as I can remember, the emotions I'm feeling now, and the love we shared last night make me so.....happy. I just can't believe you love me. I don't want this feeling to end. Ever"

I look up into his big blue eyes, "I tried to tell you yesterday when we were walking home, I'm not going anywhere, I'm yours forever....always"

He kisses me passionately. And I realise I never want this to end, I will spend the rest of my life with Peeta, the boy with the bread. I start to feel that warm feeling again, extending down my body to my fingertips. Peeta pulls back and smiles at me.

"I can't stop looking at you" he says

My cheeks blush and I laugh nervously "stop! let's eat"

I get my game bag and hand him a cheese bun and some berries we picked on our way through the woods.

Peeta sits back against the wall whilst he eats and I curl up next to him with a cheese bun in my hand.

"Peeta, for so many years I've had no real direction in my life, it's all been about staying fed and keeping my family alive, now that's over, I'm not sure what I want to do"

"I guess you can do whatever you want to, what makes you happiest?"

"I don't know, spending time with you and hunting I guess"

"There you go then, we already live in the same house, you hunt, I'll bake, and we'll get fat and grow old together!"

We both burst out laughing.

After we eat we both fall into a beautiful sleep. It's so peaceful here by the lake and I feel like I never want to leave. But it's winter and it'll start getting cold and dark soon so we gather our things for the trek back to 12.

Peeta walks out of the old house and suddenly stops in his tracks. I almost bump into him.

"What is it Peeta?" I ask

He doesn't answer, he just stands there looking to the far side of the lake.

I follow his gaze and gasp at what I see. On the other side of the lake, on the edge of the the tree line stands a man, at least I think it's a man. He's a long way off, probably half a mile I should think, and he looks so tall and muscular but it's the colour of his skin. It's almost a light grey in colour, from this distance it's difficult to see if he's wearing clothes.

Just then he looks across to our side of the lake scanning the shoreline toward our direction, I grab Peeta and pull him back into the house.

We run on through toward the main room with the fireplace and look out the window, he's still there, standing, looking in our direction. Did he see us?
He just stands there, staring straight at the house when suddenly, he turns away and walks back into the woods.

I look at Peeta, he has a serious look on his face and his eyes stare off into the distance..

"Who do you think it was Peeta"

"It wasn't anybody Katniss, it was a Mutt"

I don't say anything, I take his hand and lead him out through the back of the house to the tree line, keeping the house between us and the lake. Once we're in cover we crouch down and I tell him what I saw yesterday.

He looks thoughtful for a moment taking in what I've just told him.

"Maybe we should talk to Haymitch" he says

"That makes sense, he could contact Beetee to see if he's heard anything similar that's been reported in any other Districts but I want to check something on the way back first. We'll need to hurry as the light will be fading soon"

We hurry back through the forest trying to keep our noise down although after what happened yesterday I at least remembered to bring my bow this time.

We make it back to the rock where I saw the animal the day before. Dusk is falling as I creep through the gloomy foliage to the point where it must of been.

"What are you looking for?" asks Peeta.

"I'm looking for some tracks or something, when it ran away it sounded like it was heavy and large"

I suddenly find what I was looking for, a foot print, but not any footprint. This is at least twice the size of Peeta's feet.

We both stare at the print in silence before I look up to him and say

"Let's get to Haymitch"

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