Chapter 35

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I stare at Wolfe, disbelieving in what I'm seeing. He senses the shock on my face.

"Good afternoon Katniss, how are you feeling?"

"Not too bad Odin, how about you?" I reply trying to find my composure.

"Oh I'm just fine Katniss. You on the other hand don't look so good. I'd sit down on the floor if I were you, before the drug you drank earlier really starts to take effect".

I sit down with my back against the wall between two sink basins.

"What are you doing here" I ask

"Oh, the same as you, I have some people here trying to build support for the Uprising against the rebellion. We've had some good results so far. District 3 was always going to be difficult for us to crack but we've been pleasantly surprised. But then you and Peeta showed up"

"Sorry to ruin your plans Odin"

He haunches down so he's closer to my level, his elbows resting on his knees. My bow on the floor by his side, the pistol held loosely in his left hand.

"Oh I wouldn't say that. Once you arrived we quickly came up with something different. To capture you and Peeta. It would of worked if it wasn't for Peeta turning his nose up to our lovely concoction. You on the other hand couldn't help yourself. Thirsty were you?"

I just stare at him, silently. The loathing I feel building up inside me. If only I had my pistol I could shoot him now and end this infernal Uprising. I look to the gun hanging loosely in his hand. He smiles at me as he releases the ammo clip and tucks it in his pocket, then checks the chamber's empty before handing the gun back to me. I try to reach out to get it but my arm and hand have no coordination. Even if I did have my weapons I wouldn't be able to use them.

"What are you going to do with me?"

"Nothing. The plan was to get you both, but Peeta ruined that by not taking the drink. You're a smart girl Katniss and you've probably worked out that you're no good to anyone unless you're the complete package. You see, its not just about the Mockingjay any more, your husband is just as important"

I think back to the conversation with Plutarch only that morning. He said exactly the same thing about Peeta and I.

"Leave Peeta alone, he's done nothing to harm you"

"I don't want to hurt Peeta, or you. I need you both in one piece to help with the district Uprising"

"There is no Uprising!" I spit back at him.

He ignores my comment and looks at the ground in thought, as if he's choosing his next words carefully.
"Katniss. I have already explained this to you, if you continue to back the rebellion then I'll have no choice but to kill both you and Peeta. If I remove you from the game then you can't benefit either side. Do you understand?"

I nod at him, my loathing starting to show as a scowl on my face.

"Now, Now, Katniss thats no way to look at a friend is it"

"We'll never join you. You spoke about bringing back the games, there's no way I'll ever put my kids in the reaping. If stopping that from happening means defeating you then so be it"

"But Katniss, you dont know what form my games will take. Who said I was going to use children to compete in the games. We need our kids to help repopulate the country"

I look at him trying to read if he's lying to me. He just stares back at me, looking straight into my eyes

"Tell me Katniss. Did you ask Paylor wether she was going to bring back the games?"

I just look back at Wolfe, my face twisted in anger, not just at my feeling of loathing for him. But for my inability to do anything. The drug he gave me has left me paralised, even my speech is starting to become slurred.

"She told you that there's no plans to go back to the Hunger Games didn't she, that the arena's have all been destroyed, blah, blah. Well, arena's can be rebuilt Katniss. I have one under construction outside of district 1 right now"

I try to reply to him but everything just comes out as some sort of mumbling and my vision is starting to darken.
"Anyway Katniss, I can see your struggling with the drug I've given you so I'll keep what I've got to say brief. Paylor's time in the game is coming to an end. You may or may not already know this but her day is over, even from where I am in the Capitol I can see the mistake's she's been making. Failing to act over the poverty in the districts, not realising the tactical advantage of district 12 etc. She's a good soldier, but she's no president".
I listen as my vision starts closing in, as I slip away I can just make out his final words.
"So I'm asking you Katniss, do you think your Husband will be up to the job? At the moment, he's the only person who could do it. And if he takes it, it'll cost him his life. Goodnight my Mockingjay".
I hear voices. Peeta I think, with someone else, Plutarch. I manage to open my eyes to see the ceiling of the drop ship above me. Suddenly my sights drawn to the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. Peeta's eyes, my husband.
"Hey Kat" how you feeling?" He says stroking my hair.
I try to answer but my mouth seems unable to form words. All I can do is shake my head in frustration, tears start to well up in my eyes. Peeta looks away to the side, talking to someone.
"What's wrong with her?" he asks
"I don't know, we'll know more when we land at 13" they answer, it's Lyndon I think. And with that I feel a warm sensation spreading through my arm and Peeta's blue eyes disappear into darkness.
I wake to the bright lights of medical back in 13. I feel different. By that I mean I can feel my body, my senses. My throat feels dry and I have a metal taste in my mouth and my head pounds like a jackhammer.
I try to sit up, groaning in the process.
Someone leaps to my side. Peeta.

"You okay Kat? What happened?

"Odin Wolfe is what happened" I croak out.

Peeta furrows his brow, confusion written on his face.

"You sure Kat, we only found you slumped against the wall in the rest room. You sure you didn't have a hallucination of some sort, it cou...."

"No Peeta, he was there! I shout back.

"Okay, Okay whatever you say" he says sheepishly.

I look and see the hurt on his face from my outburst, it's not Peeta's fault that I'm in this predicament.

"I'm sorry Babe, I didn't mean to yell at you. I love you"

"Love you too, beautiful" he replies as he leans down to kiss me. This simple thing brings my focus back. The warm feeling of his lips make me reach for more I lean my head forward to extend our kiss. Peeta finally pulls away from the kiss but continues to stroke my hair.
I lay there in silence trying to think of some way of proving to the rebels what happened. Peeta will always believe me but I can't work out how Wolfe got out of that room without being seen. Then it dawns on me.
"Peeta, can you get Lyndon for me please, I need him to bring my gun"
"Sure" he walks over to the comms station on the wall and contacts the barracks. Lyndon walks in a few minutes later.

"Hi Katniss, how you feeling" he asks

"I've got a hell of a headache but I need you to check something, have you checked our weapons in yet"

"No not yet" he holds out my pistol to me.

As soon as I take it from him I can feel that it's light. The clip of bullets is still missing.

"Peeta, get Plutarch for me please"

"Sure, no problem"

I hand the gun back to Lyndon and climb from the bed. I feel lousy, my head hurts and I feel dizzy. I drop into the chair that Peeta vacated and sip some water from a glass by the bedside.
Plutarch walks in with Peeta. A look of confusion on his face.

"What's up Katniss?"

"I need to tell you a story of what really happened back in district 3.

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