Chapter 48

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On the flight to District 7 I spend most of my time looking out the window at the scenery below. Hill's mountains, trees, large areas of farmland spread out into the distance. From up here it's easy to see what's changed since the end of the rebellion. New villages and settlements have cropped up across Panem showing that the grass roots of a new way of life for the country had indeed started. But, along came Odin Wolfe and his Uprising to jeopardize all that has been achieved. I turn away from the window to see Peeta and Elise deep in conversation with Cohen. Peeta asks lots of questions about the drop ship and the air core whilst Elise just gazes at Alek in some sort of daydream. I can understand why she's got a crush on him, he is very handsome and also one of the best pilots in Panem.

"We're nearly there" says Gale

Cohen turns back to the controls and watches as Gale prepares for landing. I'm fascinated by Gale flying a hovercraft, and I'll admit a little proud that my friend has achieved so much. From his humble beginnings back in 12 to a pilot in the new air force of Panem. I watch as his hands gently caress the controls as he brings the craft to a gentle stop and slowly lowers the drop ship down onto the landing pad. With that Cohen flicks a few switches above his head and we hear the engines slowly die down.

"Good landing Gale, I think that's your best yet" says Cohen.

Gale nods "Thanks".

Gale lowers the drop ramp and we make our way outside. I look around to see we've landed in the middle of a huge forest, trees extend skyward and I can only guess how high they go, certainly I've never seen trees this tall before. I'm about to ask where everyone is when a troop transport vehicle drives into the clearing from a dirt track leading off into the forest. It stops in front of us as a door opens and who I can only assume is an aid of some sort directs us to climb inside. We all get in and Peeta closes the door behind us. The transport immediately takes off back down the dirt track. I look at Cohen, he looks nonplussed by whats going on.

"Whats happening Alek, where are we off to?" I ask him.

"The centre of district 7 is surrounded by lumber mills working timber felled from the forest. It's easier to land out here away from all the steam clouds that come from all the factories. Once we get to town you'll see what I mean".

We drive on for what seems like another hour before we emerge into the town. I can see what Alek meant by the steam clouds. On the outskirts of the town you seem to be driving in a perpetual fog that seems to close everything in. The feeling of claustrophobia is starting to bear down on me, although once we reach the town centre and we're away from the suburbs the air clears and its far easier to see. The transport pulls up in front of the justice building.

"Last stop" says Alek as we all get out and take in our surroundings. Once again I can vaguely remember coming here on the victory tour, the Justice building, most likely the only stone building in the town. Everything else, from the shop's to the houses are all made of timber.

I turn to follow the others up the steps when I see an old friend from the past.

"Well look who it is, Princess Brainless!" she says standing with her hands on her hips in the doorway.

"Hello Johanna" I say as I walk up to her. I'm really not sure what to expect, when we were in the Quarter Quell she openly despised me but after we joined the rebellion we buried the hatchet and learned to get along. We became room mates and helped each other through basic training. It was only her fear of water brought about from her torture in the capitol that proved her undoing and stopped her from being put into battle.

I'm not really sure what to do as I stand in front of her. She smiles then embraces me.

"Hey roomie, I see you've been knocked up for real this time, who's is it, Peeta's?"

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