Chapter 41

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Lyndon stares at Peeta trying to read his expression. But Peeta just sits there, staring into space with a vacant look on his face. Lyndon gets up and returns to the Rapiers who are already standing waiting for orders. Cressida comes over with Pollux. "What's happening?" she asks.
"Looks like we're under attack from Mutts" Gale replies.
I look around at the others in the room, everyone looks focused and ready with the exception of Peeta and Megan, who looks a little anxious.
"Peeta" I say softly shaking his arm.
He starts and I jump slightly, afraid he might lose control. But he turns and kisses me gently.

"I'm fine Kat, I'll be OK. It's just a little strange, I can sense their presence and it feels a bit unusual that's all"

Lyndon walks over to us as the rest of the Rapiers split up. Swader and Flux go off upstairs whilst Sulla, Viper and Conrad go out the front door.
OK everyone, I want you all to remain here for now, switch on your earpieces and wait for instructions. I don't want you involved in the fight but you might have to help out if we get overwhelmed" He says looking at us.

"You OK Peeta?" he asks with a look of concern on his face.

"I'm fine"

Lyndon puts a hand on his shoulder and smiles "good, you had me worried for a minute there"

I reach in my pocket and take out my earpiece, switch it on and place it in my ear, I look around to see the others doing the same. I can already hear the Rapiers communicating with each other.

Viper, Sulla and Conrad have taken position in the wrecked train carriage out front whilst Swader and Flux are upstairs covering the square from above. I watch Lyndon pacing back and forth listening to the radio chatter. I can't make out most of it as it's all code words and stuff. Then Lyndon turns to us and walks over.
"Katniss, Peeta are you OK going upstairs and helping out Swader and Flux. I know you haven't got firearms but your arrows should be just as effective"
We both nod and make our way upstairs where we find a large office at the front and see flux and Swader aiming out of a pair of windows. Flux puts his hand up then points for us to carry on up the stairs. I nod at him and we both run up the next flight of stairs to the upper level. We burst through the door into a large bedroom that must of been for the mayor. Both windows have been smashed by the blast and we both run forward and take position at the windows with arrows loaded ready. As I look out I can see we have a perfect view across the square. The derelict train carriage lies well below us and we can see both sides of the square and the ruins of the train station. An alleyway extends out from the far right hand corner of the square. At a guess I would say that's the most likely route in for the Mutts.
"Captain Mellark in position and ready, over" I say over my earpiece.
"Lieutenant Mellark standing by and ready to shoot, over" I hear Peeta say.
I glance across at him and he looks back, smiling.
We stand and wait, hearing the hissing sound growing in volume as the Mutts draw closer.
"Ross, have you managed to make contact with the drop ship?, over". I ask
"Negative, Katniss. The holo is being jammed. It looks like this attack has been planned, over"
I feel a sense of dread go through me. Has Wolfe really planned this attack, does he mean to kill us, or capture us? Whatever happens we'll go down fighting.
Just then the first Man mutt enters the square. It's camouflage adapted to the colourless grey landscape.
"Targets entering the square south of the station, over" Peeta announces
He takes aim with his bow, it's much too far for me though. I notice he's got a standard arrow strung.
"Lieutenant Mellark, ready to fire, over" he says

"This is Ross to squad, open fire when targets present themselves, over"

Peeta doesn't need a second invitation, he pulls back the string then releases the arrow as it screams across the square hitting the mutt clear in the chest. The impact throws the mutt back into a burnt out car, it's lifeless body slumped against the crumpled vehicle. Then all hell breaks loose, dozens of mutts charge into the square. I fire the first of my explosive arrows into a crowd of mutts, it explodes and a hail of body parts rain down around the blast area.
But still dozens more come through, I can hear the other squad members firing at the advancing wall of mutts, the explosive rounds bathing the front of the advancing hoard in a fiery cloud.
I shout over at Peeta. "We need to stop them from getting in the square!"
"I know but how!" he yells back.
I look around the square and spot our saviour. It'll need a good shot and only Peeta could pull it
"Peeta! that building on the corner of the square where the mutts are entering. We need to bring that down and block the alleyway, use an explosive arrow!
He follows my gaze and nods in understanding. Reaches back and takes an explosive arrow, deftly twisting the head to arm it as he strings it. He takes a moment to aim allowing for the arrow to drop, then releases it.
Once again it screams across the square hitting the building about 3 feet from the floor. There's a massive explosion and a number of passing mutts get caught in the blast with their bodies flying through the air and smashing into their comrades. A large crack from the explosion creeps up the side of the building to the roof and then the whole corner of the building falls out into the alleyway crushing a dozen mutts and blocking their path through. The remaining mutts trapped in the square continue toward us as Peeta and I rain down arrow after arrow taking down as many as we can. We try to save our explosive arrows but I use my jammers to electrocute as many as I can. Soon the square is silent, the floor littered with dead bodies. My ears ring from the noise of all the explosions and shooting.

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