Chapter 47

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That night the dreams return. I relive all the horrors from the Quarter Quell, monkeys, Jabberjays, fog, even the blood rain return to me even though I never experienced it. I wake up bathed in sweat and look to my side to see Peeta sound asleep. At least I didn't cry out this time and wake him. I'm just drifting back off to sleep when the phone next to our bed rings waking Peeta. He reaches over and answers sleepily. "Hello" I can hear a voice at the other end but I cant make out who it is. "Okay, we'll be there in a minute" he hangs up the phone and lays back down.

"Who was it" I ask.

"Lyndon. We've got to go to command, there's been a problem with the mission to get Elise's parents.

We walk into command to see Gibbs, Lyndon, Plutarch, Elise and Paylor all sat around the conference table. "Thanks for coming at this early hour" says Plutarch. I nod in return stifling a yawn as I go to sit next to Elise, she sits there with a handkerchief screwed up in her fist, her eyes are bloodshot and her cheeks are stained with tears. "What happened?" I ask no one in particular as I take Elise's hand.

"Well, the mission didn't go exactly to plan" says Gibbs

I close my eyes and sigh preparing myself for another bombshell Wolfe has landed on us. "What-Happened?" I ask again slowly, becoming impatient.
Gibbs looks straight at Elise "Well, Elise's parents weren't there. The house was empty and it looks like they hadn't been there for months, I'd guess they were taken right at the start of the war"

"So where are they now?" I ask Plutarch.

"I don't know Katniss, I'll talk to some of our contacts in district 1 and see if they've heard anything"

I don't know what makes me do it but I look across the table to Lyndon, I can see the conflict of emotions on his face, he knows something but seems unwilling to tell us what it is. But then he seems to make a decision and looks across to Elise.

"I think I know where they'll be?" he says.

Every head turns in his direction waiting for him to continue.

"If they're alive they'll be in Jail back in the Capitol, but I have to be honest with you Elise. If Gibbs is right and they were taken at the start of the conflict then it's more than likely they'll be dead by now, I've seen the prisons in the Capitol, they're not designed for an extended stay, I'm sorry Elise, I truly am"

I turn to her to see a single tear track down her cheek as she gets up to leave, she says nothing as she quietly walks around the table opens the door and steps outside into the corridor and closes the door behind her.

"Damn!" Blurts out Plutarch. "I really thought we had them!"

Nobody says anything in reply as there's nothing left to say. We've failed to save Elise's parents, the only two people who are most dear to her.

"See what you can find out Plutarch, I'll go and find Elise, make sure she's okay"

Me and Peeta make our way to the training ground to find her exactly where I expected, sat on the same bench where we chatted earlier. She's sat with her head down sobbing quietly.

"Hey, Elise" I say as softly and calmly as I can.

"Hi guys"
Peeta says nothing, he just walks around to her other side and embraces her with his strong arms. Immediately she starts to cry uncontrollably and buries her head into his shoulder and chest. Peeta whispers things into her ear whilst I gently stroke her hair trying to calm her but she just keeps sobbing. I look at Peeta and he looks back at me reading my thoughts. One things for certain we can't leave Elise alone tonight.

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