Chapter 34

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I feel my eyes getting heavy on the flight to District 3. The Baby's really taking its toll on me now. The sickness has stopped but my appetite for food and need for sleep continues to increase. I'm worried about how much more I can do for the rebels. I'm only just over 3 months pregnant and I already feel that I'm losing control of my body. I close my eyes and feel Peeta stroking some hair away from my forehead as I lean into him. I open my eyes and smile at him. He leans down and kisses me gently.
"You okay Kat?
It amazes me how Peeta can read my feelings just by looking at me. He knows me so well.
I smile and nod silently then rest my head against his chest. I'm so tired. Just when I start to drift off we hear the drop ship's engines whine down as we get ready to land in district 3. It's the technology capitol of Panem and after the war it was decided to move all media programming to district 3. A new media centre was built to bring up to date news and television programs to Panem.
The drop ship lands and the ramp lowers to the ground. Plutarch holds us back as we wait for Cressida and Pollux to get in position to film our exit from the drop ship. Lyndon gives us both a pistol that we holster to our leg. I take my bow and grab a full set of arrows whilst Lyndon gives Peeta an assault rifle. We wait inside until Plutarch gives us the nod to go outside. We walk out under overcast skies to find us surrounded by large factory warehouses. To our right is a large glass building, I guess this must be the new media centre. To our left is a line of people including the district mayor his aids and some other men in suits who I can only guess are some sort of Capitol officials.
One of the mayor's aid's walks over and offers us some refreshments. I'm so thirsty I accept without question. He explains that it's a local drink served only here and in the Capitol. It has a bitter taste that fizzes on the tongue and I quite enjoy it. Peeta sniffs it's aroma but decides against it. I thank the official and we continue down the line, shaking hands with them as we go.
The next few hours go by as we walk among the crowds of workers who seem genuinely pleased to see us. Factory after factory of production lines, workshops and laboratories.The mayor tries to keep a commentary going for what each factory does but I just tune out and keep smiling. Peeta asks loads of questions which seems to make up for my lack of interest.
Peeta and I walk hand in hand among the workers, some clap, others nod or just smile. I turn to Peeta and whisper in his ear. "I can't look at another factory, its so boring"
He playfully nudges me in the shoulder, silently telling me to keep the act going. I get the hint and turn away smiling to the crowd as we walk through to the open air outside. Plutarch stands there waiting for us.
"Ah, here they are" he says playfully. "I want you two to show the mayor and the people of District 3 your archery skills, obviously Peeta will have to borrow your bow Katniss".
"That's fine". I walk to Peeta with my bow. I smile to myself, thinking I'll have a little fun with my husband.
I look toward the media centre to see a number of electronic targets have been set up about 100 metres away. Pollux has taken position behind our shooting area so he can film the full flight of the arrows into their targets. I glance around the crowd and notice a lone figure standing off to one side. They're wearing a hooded cloak that reaches down to the knees, not unlike a rain coat. I can also make out combat pants and military issue boots. I cant see the face because of the hood thats been pulled down.
I walk to Peeta and kiss his cheek, as I hand my bow over I whisper "goodnight" to him. He looks at me a little strangely but I can feel the bow go still in my hand. It's gone to sleep, the vibration and string tension has vanished with my last command.
I give him an arrow from my sheath and stand back to give him some space. He strings the arrow, takes aim and releases the string. I try to stifle a laugh as the arrow skips off the hard stone floor in front of the target. I take another arrow and hand it to him. Making sure I don't speak. If my Mockingjay bow were to hear my voice it would wake up and the game would be over.
Again, Peeta takes aim, this time aiming higher to allow the arrow to fall to its target. He releases the string but although the arrow is on line its not going fast enough to stick in the target. It drops to the floor harmlessly. The crowd watching lets out a low murmur. I'm beginning to think this might not of been such a good idea. I'm making Peeta look silly in front of these people.
"Katniss there's something wrong with your bow".
I walk to Peeta in silence trying not to laugh when I take the bow from him. I hold it in my left hand and look at him.
"There's nothing wrong with it" I say back, but I can feel the vibration through the bow when it heard my voice, that it's woken up to me.
I hand it back to him and give him another arrow. I look at Plutarch to see him smiling, struggling to stifle a laugh.
Peeta takes aim at the target, releases the string and the arrow goes through the target with the arrow head sticking out the other side. The assembled crowd of onlookers and dignitaries cheer and clap.
Peeta looks at me with a stern expression on his face, but I can't help myself as I fall about laughing. He smiles and then starts laughing with me.
He walks over and puts his arm around me. "What did you do?" he asks
I explain about the bow only being able to work after being woken by my voice. He looks at me again and laughs shaking his head. "Do you think my bow will be the same?"

"I cant see why not"

We carry on target shooting for another hour, but during this time I start to feel unwell. Like I'm over tired, or coming down with a virus. I suddenly fear for my baby, what happens if I fall ill I ask myself. But then again, lots of young mothers fall ill whilst pregnant. It's normal, right?
Plutarch calls time on our shooting display and we all walk toward the media centre. I start to feel faint and I lean into Peeta. He puts his arm around my waist and helps me inside the glass building.
"You okay Kat?"he asks as the door closes behind us.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to get my breath a minute"
I take some deep breaths trying to get myself back under control but it doesn't seem to make any difference.
I turn to one of the mayor's aids. "Can you show me where the rest room is please"

He directs me and Peeta down a corridor to a side door. I enter the room letting the door close behind me while Peeta waits outside. The lights flick on automatically and I see a row of toilet cubicles to my right with wash basins to my left. I walk over to the basin run the tap and splash some water on my face hoping that will cure me. I look in the mirror, noticing the bags under my bloodshot eyes. I look so pale, whats wrong with me? I splash more water on my face, hoping the refreshing coolness will make a difference but when I look back to the mirror I see the same hooded figure from outside standing behind me. I jump, startled. I swing round to face the person and instinctively reach behind my shoulder for an arrow. But as I look at their hands I see they have my bow in one hand and my pistol aimed straight at my heart in the other.
I drop my hands to my sides with an air of finality in my actions. The figure then reaches up to their hood pulling it back and I'm confronted by the eyes of Odin Wolfe staring at me.

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