Chapter 21

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I wake to find the bed beside me empty. Peeta's years as a baker have made him an early riser where as I tend to sleep in. When I used to hunt I'd be up before dawn to check the snare line with Gale. But since the Games, hunting has become more of a hobby compared to when I had to feed my family.

I sit on the side of the bed with my head in my hands, remembering what happened last night. I feel awful for Peeta. After making love and then my mutt episode happening must be terrible for him. How can I live with myself.

I know he'll forgive me, he know's my problems better than anyone but even so, knowing I've hurt him makes me sick to my stomach. At that thought I get up and walk to the Bathroom, I think I really do feel sick. I walk to the toilet and vomit. Nothing comes up but I keep retching. Only bile reaches my throat and I cough at the burning sensation. Finally the feeling subsides and I wash my mouth out with water. I'll get something to eat I think to myself, maybe I'll feel better then.

I shower and get dressed in trousers and a simple shirt and sweater, and make my way downstairs. Peeta sits at the kitchen table in silence, pushing a piece of toast around his plate.

"Hey, what's up" I say

He starts from his daydream "Oh, Hi Kat. Did you sleep Okay In the end"

I nod at him and make my way round the table and crouch by his side looking up at him sat in his chair. I take his hand in mine.

"Peeta, I know your bothered about what happened last night, but I don't want you to be. Its not your fault, Its mine".

He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry Kat, Like I said last night l'm fine".

I reach out and wrap my arms around his waist, "forgive me".

He buries his head into my neck and whispers "there's nothing to forgive".

"I can only imagine what you saw and did while you were in the Capitol. Have you spoken to anyone about it?"

I pull away from him. "come to think of it no, I haven't spoken to anyone"

"Lets get us some breakfast, and you can tell me about it".

We prepare a light breakfast of fruit and goats milk and sit down to eat. I start from the point we left the pad at 13 to when we returned. I tell Peeta everything, even the encounter with Elise Snow. Then I sit in silence while Peeta takes it all in.

"Well Kat, you certainly saw a lot of action for someone going along as a guide" he says smiling at me. But as I said before, I knew you wouldn't stand by and let people suffer. That's why I worry so much, you only think about others safety and not your own"

"I know, I can't help myself. When I saw the mutts move toward the warehouse I knew Joel and his team wouldn't stand a chance. I had to do something. I don't think I'll ever be able to follow orders"

We finish our breakfast and make our way into town. Peeta's anxious to see what's been happening at his bakery. With us, Joel and Megan in district 13 there's been no one to run it. When we turn into the square we find the Bakery undamaged and exactly as Joel would of left it the night of the uprising. I keep looking round for our security detail but see no one. I wait outside whilst Peeta checks over the shop. As usual the square is busy with people carrying out their daily business, a few people stop and stare, or point at me. Some whisper to each other. I suppose I'm back in the media spotlight now what with the mission to save Paylor and the new propo's coming out.

I hear a crowd jeering from the other side of the square and I make my way towards it, curious as to what it is. When I get there I see a man, probably in his mid 50's standing on a cart addressing the crowd. I stand at the back listening in, intrigued.

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