Chapter 11

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I wake to see Buttercup curled up sleeping on my pillow next to me. I look at the clock to see its a little after four. We returned to our quarters, had lunch and spent the afternoon in bed. I smile at the thought, the time we had this afternoon, kissing, making love. I still can't believe we're engaged. My mother won't know what to think.

I think back at how things have moved so fast over the last few days. Only last week I decided to accept my feelings of love for Peeta. And now we're going to be getting married! It's so unlike me to be like this, I almost feel like I'm a different person.

I giggle out loud over the thought of being Peeta's wife. Peeta stirs and turns to me. "You okay" he says sleepily.

"I am now my fiancé"

He smiles at this comment and I slide over to him. Buttercup jumps off the bed and hisses at me.

"Now look what you've done, you've upset buttercup" he says sarcastically

"He'll be fine" I say as I kiss him hard on the lips, my passion starting to build.

"We should go and tell your mom" he says through the kiss"

"We can do that later, we've got plenty of time". And I kiss him again.


That evening we go over to check on my mother, Joel, and Megan.

Megan is the only one in and explains to me that Joel has gone to the barracks to see about getting kitted out again. Megan isn't sure if she wants to join up but I don't think she's going to have much choice being back in 13.

We check on Haymitch and there's no answer. Either he's in meetings or he's drunk. One or the other.

I make a guess as to where my mother is and I'm proved right. The medical level.

"Hi Mom" I say as I find her at the nurses station.

"Hello dear, how did the meeting go"

"Not great, looks like I've got to get the Mockingjay suit out again, filming propos and stuff"

"Your not going into battle are you"

"No of course not" I lie. I don't want her worrying about me.

"We talked with Gale earlier, he explained a few things but I'm still not entirely sure I can trust him again".

"Just remember what Gale did for you when your father died. He helped you. And then you helped each other. Like I said before, he's accepted that you and Peeta are together, I think he'll move on with his life now. Maybe it's time to let things go and move on, get that friendship back".

I nod silently.

"I have other news Mom, I hope your ready for this but Peeta and I are getting married"

I look closely for her reaction half expecting the usual "you're too young" or "have you thought this through" speech but her reaction surprises me.

She smiles and wraps her arms around me. "I'm so pleased darling, I know your only young but I've never seen you so happy"

"Thanks Mom" I say as I feel the tears starting to well up

She steps back and looks at the two of us.

"You've been together for so long I'm not surprised. I knew this would happen when I saw you two step off the train after the first games. I know it was forced on your part darling but I knew you had a special place in your heart for him even then. I knew it would only be a matter of time before you realised it yourself"

I turn to look at Peeta, his eyes full of warmth toward my mother. He steps forward and embraces her as my tears start to fall.

All of a sudden the message system beeps with an announcement.

"Will Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark report to command immediately"

I look at my mother

"We have to go, I love you mom.

Can you come to ours for breakfast tomorrow? I say. as I wipe away the tears with the back if my hand.

"Of course dear, I'll look forward to it"

Peeta and I ride up to the command level. We walk in to find Plutarch, Haymitch, Beetee, Gale and Gibbs huddled around a digital screen mounted in the table. Gibbs walks over to me.

"How are you feeling" you look a lot better than you did at the lake last week"

I smile "I'm fine, just a little sore although my headache is nearly gone".

"Good, I never got a chance to thank you for saving us. Although we lost four team members, it would of been a lot worse without you firing that arrow"

"You'd of done the same" I say

She looks at me with a new found respect, like I'm one of them, a soldier.

"Katniss, Peeta, if you'll gather round, there's been a development regarding Paylor" says Plutarch.

We both stand and lean over the screen. It looks like a map of the Capitol although I don't recognise the area.

"We've found out where Paylor is. She's in a old rebel safe house in the fashion district of the city. It's the same place you stayed on your incursion into the city"

"Tigris" I say

"Yes, it looks like she's been there for a while. Probably lying low. The enemy's forces are in the outer suburbs now as they think that's where she's hiding"

We both nod in understanding.

"What I need from you is details on how you got in there undetected. The problem we have is getting into the city isn't going to be easy. The train tunnel from district 1 is heavily guarded and they have control of the security cameras throughout the city. But we could make an incursion from the river that runs from district 4"

"Won't that be guarded as well" I ask

"Possibly, we don't have any information to say otherwise. but we've been given an opportunity that we've got to take if we can"

"It might be difficult to remember how we got there, I had Pollux to guide us last time and that's where I might struggle to remember. It'd be easier if I was there, then the tunnels and land marks might jolt my memory" I say.

There's a short silence.

Gibbs pipes in "what we really need Katniss, is for you to lead the mission"

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