Chapter 8

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We touch down down on the landing pad at District 13 and I walk out from the loading ramp and look around. The old bomb craters have been filled in and there's some new buildings been put up around the landing pad. I guess these are replacements for the ones damaged in the bombings during the war.

We walk towards the lift and Gale comes over to me and Peeta.

"Katniss, I need to talk to you, to clear the air"

"I don't think it's a good time right now Gale, what with everything else that's going on" says Peeta

"We'll talk later, the three of us, Okay" I say

"Okay" he replies

We ride down in the elevator, everyone in complete silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

The elevator door's open and we walk out into the corridor, I can't believe I'm back in this wretched place again.

Peeta see's the look on my face and I try to smile at him but he knows how much I hate this place.

We make our way along the corridor until we reach a marked command,this is the tactical hub of Panem's military. We step inside and put all our luggage into the corner and sit around a large table which is illuminated from above. Around the outside of the room are desk consoles with screens showing all sorts of information. Joel takes his seats and keeps hold of Buttercup.

Plutarch walks in and makes a brief phone call. When he's finished he makes his way to the head of the table.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you what we know so far. I take it you all saw this evenings broadcast?"

We all nod.

"Odin Wolfe was indeed head of Snow's personal security, he originally came from district 2 where he was trained as a peacekeeper. He slowly rose through the ranks until he became head peacekeeper about the time of the 74th Hunger Games. By the time the rebellion was started he was promoted to head of presidential security"

"What's so special about him" asks Gale

"He's particularly ruthless, he was trained by an old friend of yours Gale, Romulus Thread"

Gale looks at Plutarch with a stern expression. All I can remember is the crack of the whip on Gale's bare back in 12's town square.

Plutarch breaks the silence.

"As for Snow's granddaughter we can only assume that she will be the face of the uprising, a puppet leader if you like. Did anyone notice her hair?"

I shake my head, I can't remember.

"She wore it in a single braid over her shoulder" Megan answers.

"Correct, Elise is a fanatic of the 74th and 75th Hunger games. She looks up to Katniss, she's her heroin.

"How do you know this?" I ask

"Elise was captured by the rebels when the Capitol fell. She was only twelve at the time but she was very close to Snow. When we questioned her it was obvious she was fixated by you and Peeta. Her hair is the same, she even tried to copy the way you dress. This couldn't of gone down well with Snow"

"What happened to her" asks Peeta

"We released her back to her family, she was so young we didn't see her as a threat but we did keep an eye on her. Then about a year ago she disappeared.
That's the last we've seen of her until now"

"Where's Paylor" asks Haymitch.

"We honestly don't know, we're pretty sure she hasn't been captured. We got word that she made it out of the mansion during the attack, after that we don't know. Fortunately she knows how to handle herself, together with her security detail she should be okay"

I remember back to the first time I met Paylor. The bloody, dirty Captain in district 8. Fearless and self confident. How will she deal with this crisis if she escapes the Capitol?

"How was the uprising started, where did they get the weapons, the soldiers? Haymitch asks.

Plutarch puts up his hands, "that we dont know, only by the looks of its organisation I'd say it's been in planning for a long time. Anyway, that's all we know for now, go and rest and we'll meet again tomorrow. If you take your things with you you'll find some soldiers outside who will take you to your quarters"

I rise from the table, I'm so tired, my head hurts and the stiffness has returned to my body. We get our bags and I follow Peeta back into the corridor. A soldier walks up to us.

"Katniss Everdeen?"


"You and your party are to follow me"

I follow the soldier with Peeta, Haymitch, Joel, Megan and my Mother in tow. We enter the elevator and the soldier inserts a key into the panel and enters a code. The elevator immediately travels sideways and we seem to travel some distance before it stops and rises.

We exit the elevator into another corridor, the soldier walks on and we follow.

Suddenly he stops to face us.

"These are your quarters" he points to four doors off of the corridor.

"These are your key cards" he hands them out. Each one has our name on it with a room number.

"You'll be contacted tomorrow to attend a meeting in command"

He turns on his heals and leaves us.

"Friendly chap" says Haymitch sarcastically.

Peeta takes Buttercup from Joel and we enter our room to find we're in a new part of the complex just below ground level. There's a small window not unlike our quarters we had here during the war. I open the window so Buttercup can come and go as he pleases.

The standard of living in 13 can't be compared to 12. The apartment reminds me more of the Capitol than anything else. It's not overly large but it's new, clean and functional. I feel relieved we're not deep underground.

"Have we got any food" I ask Peeta

Hoping we haven't got to eat that district 13 mush again.

"Looks like the same setup we had in the Capitol, just order from the console."

I order us something light and we sit at the table in the small kitchen to eat.

"I can't believe what's happening Peeta, just this afternoon we were walking home in the winter sunshine, and now this"

"I know, I can't believe it myself. Just remember Kat, we've still got each other, and we're together.

I smile at him and hold his hand.

"Is that my new pet name?"

He smiles "sorry"

"It's fine, only you can call me it though"


"Let's get some sleep, it's late and I think it's gonna be a long day tomorrow"

I suddenly remember Buttercup. He hasn't eaten yet. I order some salmon and milk from the console and Peeta puts the milk in a bowl for him.

We're both too tired to shower or unpack so we undress and just slip into bed naked. I snuggle up to Peeta and I slip off into a peaceful sleep.

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