Chapter 4

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It's dark by the time we get back to victors village, I just hope Haymitch is in some fit state to talk to us. Peeta walks up the steps and bangs on the door but as usual there's no answer.

I shrug my shoulders at Peeta and just push the door open and walk straight in.

We have a sort of understanding between the three of us. If we're in, the door will be unlocked and come straight in. I make a mental note to remember to lock my door from now on what with Peeta living with me now.

Haymitch is in his usual place, slumped across the dining room table with a half empty bottle in his hand, the room is tidy though as Hazel continues to clean for him.

Peeta shakes his arm "Haymitch"


I go into the kitchen and fill a glass half full of water.

"Peeta, stand by the door" I tell him

He smiles knowing what's coming as I've done this so many times before.

I throw the water over Haymitch's head and jump away toward Peeta.

Haymitch leaps up like a wounded animal slashing with his knife at the empty air. His eyes lock onto us.

"What do you want!"

"Trying to wake you up" I reply

He looks at Peeta "and you let her throw water over me, your supposed to be the sensible one!"

Peeta hold up his hands with his best I'm innocent and it had nothing to do with me look.

"We need to talk Haymitch, there's been some strange things going on in the woods outside 12"

"What are you talking about?"

I explain what Peeta and I have seen over the last two days, Peeta adds that he thinks it's a mutt.

"What makes you think that?" he asks.

"I can still spot a mutt a mile off, I don't know what it is but ever since the hijacking I just know when I see or hear one"

"I think it's best I talk to Beetee and see what he thinks, maybe this has come up before" says Haymitch as he dries himself off with a towel.

Haymitch picks up the phone and dials through to District 2. Beetee was transferred there after advanced weaponry was moved from District 13.

Peeta and I listen in, although we can only here one side of the conversation.

Peeta sits down on the sofa and I sit down on his lap. He reaches forward and kisses the side of my neck then starts whispering things in my ear, I giggle at what he's saying.

Suddenly we realise that Haymitch has stopped speaking and returned the phone to its cradle, we look round and see him gawping at us...

"I take it this means you two have finally got it together?"

"Yeah" I say shyly.

"Thank god for that, I didn't think you were ever gonna let him in, he's one in a million you know that don't you".

"Yeah I know"

"Right, back to business. I couldn't get hold of Beetee but I did speak with Gale"

Gale. I forgot he moved to 2 for some fancy job. It makes sense when you think of it, with his experience of weaponry whilst we were in 13. The thought of Gale brings back images of my sister, the human torch wreathed in flames.

"You okay Katniss" asks Peeta

"Yeah I'm fine" I smile at him wiping Prim's image from my thoughts.

"Well, Gale hasn't heard of any other sightings in other Districts, he's going to talk to Beetee in the morning but thinks it might be wise to send a team to 12 to investigate. In the meantime it will probably be best if you stay out of the woods"

I sigh, "how long for"

You'll probably find a team will be here the day after tomorrow, if Beetee clears it that is.

"Okay" I say glumly

Peeta strokes my cheek and I clutch his hand.

"It won't be long Katniss, and they'll probably ask you to help out"

"Yeah, I guess so"

"In the mean time we can spend more time together"

I smile and kiss his cheek.

I look round and see Haymitch smiling at Peeta and me.

"Now what?" I ask

"Nothing, I'm just pleased to see you happy, now get out of here so I can dry myself off properly!"

Peeta and I return to my house, it's late and we haven't eaten. Whilst Peeta fixes us something to eat I make a call to my mother.

We have spoken a number of times since the war and each time it's a little easier as I'm more trusting in confiding to her about more personal things. However, contraception wasn't something I thought I'd ever have to ask her about though! She gives me some advice, doesn't ask any questions and I don't give her any details, although I think she probably knows who I'm talking about. I say goodbye and join Peeta in the kitchen.

Peeta and I snack on soup and bread, buttercup leaps onto Peeta's lap and we make small talk about Haymitch and the woods, then the conversation turns to Gale.

"How did you feel when you heard Gale's name?" Peeta asks.

"I don't know, we were good friends once, maybe one day we could've been more, but now I have you"

Peeta smiles at me and takes my hand from across the table, as I continue...

"I just wish I knew exactly what happened with the bombing that killed Prim, I know it was Beetee and Gale's weapon, I'm just not sure if Gale had any knowledge of its planned use in the Capitol"

"Maybe we'll find out one day" says Peeta

"Yeah, maybe"

We finish off our soup, wash up and go up to bed. We're both exhausted, what with the long walk and it's not long before I drop off.

The nightmares return though. I'm in the woods overlooking the valley when I here Prim calling my name from the trees. I run through the woods calling for her and I suddenly find myself in a clearing with a lizard mutt standing in front of me. I turn to run but I feel my head getting yanked back with another mutt about to tear my throat out. I start screaming for Prim but wake with Peeta holding me tight in his arms.

He gently strokes my hair, trying to calm me down, but I start sobbing into his shoulder.

"Do you want to talk about it" Peeta asks.


"I heard you calling Prim's name"

"I don't want to talk about it" I answer.

Peeta says nothing else and I eventually slip off into a restless sleep while held in the safety of his arms.

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