Chapter 19

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I'm suddenly jolted awake by a sudden turn made by the drop ship. We seem to be turning right, left, up and down. I look to the others and most of them seem uninterested in the rough ride home.

"What's happening?" I ask Gibbs

"We've got to fly through the canyons between the mountains, if we fly over them the Capitol will shoot us down with their anti aircraft batteries, its touch and go as to whether we make it back as it is"

I huddle down into my seat, trying to block out the harsh ride and the realisation that I could be killed at any moment then reach into my pocket and pull out the pearl, clenching it tightly in my fist. I close my eyes and think of Peeta, of home, our house back in 12. My mind wonders into a daydream of seeing Peeta again. Of holding him, touching him, sensing his smell. I think of all the hurt I've put him through over the last few years and how he always stood by me, protected me, supported me. I'm an extremely lucky girl to be with someone as kind hearted as Peeta. For him to still love me after everything that went on with the Games and the war is..... beautiful.

I put the pearl back into my pocket and drift back off to sleep.

I wake with a start. Looking around I see that everyone is removing their safety belts and getting up. We've made it home. Well, to 13 anyway. The drop ramp lowers and I can see that a light dusting of snow has fallen. We stagger out and a team of medics rush past me to help the injured. Joel, lies on a stretcher unconscious, tubes and wires are connected to his body to monitor his condition with a drip line to administer morphling and fluids. I hope he makes it, for his sister Megan.

I wonder across the landing pad toward the elevator in a daze. I look around to see what time of day it is. Looks like mid morning I think to myself. Where is Peeta?

"Hey Catnip" I look around to see Gale on a trolley being wheeled to the medical level.

"Hi" is all I can say

He looks at me with a concerned look on his face. "What" I ask.

He pauses to look at me."Go find Peeta, I feel like I'm looking at the old Katniss again. Find him Catnip, remember who you've become"

"What do you mean" I snap back

"Listen to yourself and think. How happy you were just two days ago?"

The medics wheel him away. Leaving me just standing there outside the elevator lost in my thoughts. What is wrong with me?, I have everything going for me, Peeta, my mother, my future. Do I have a future? is this uprising going to kill us all, will there be anything left?.

Gale's right, I was blissfully happy just two days ago. These negative dark thoughts are from the old Katniss. The girl who could never see past the next disaster or the next ploy to use her. Peeta's brought me away from that and just the thought of him makes me glow inside.

I'm gripped by my arm and Gibbs shoves me into the lift with Paylor. "Hey" I shout.

Sorry Katniss but we're needed in the sound studio, their broadcasting live to the country now.

I walk through the door to the rear of the stage. Through the curtains I can see the entire population of 13 standing listening to a speech. I listen to the speaker, the words move me close to tears. Looking at the crowd I can see that their captivated by him, my fiance. Peeta....I listen to him finish his address.

"As I speak a drop ship with a team of commandos is on route to district 13 with our leader, President Paylor, my fiance Katniss Everdeen the Mockingjay is with them. We have shown that we will not be beaten by the militant forces from the Capitol. We will fight to the last breath for freedom, for liberty and for justice!"

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